财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 08 期, 页码:61 - 72
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[12]Almeida H,Campello M,Weisbach M.The cash flow sensitivity of cash[J].Journal ofFinance,2004,59(4):1777-1804.
[13]Dhaliwal D,Li O,Tsang A,et al.Voluntary nonfinancial disclosure and the cost of eq-uity capital:The initiation of corporate social responsibility reporting[J].The Account-ing Review,2011,86(1):59-100.
[14]Dhaliwal D,Radhakrishnan S,Tsang A,et al.Nonfinancial disclosure and analyst fore-cast accuracy:International evidence on corporate social responsibility disclosure[J].The Accounting Review,2012,87(3):723-759.
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[16]Fazzari S,Hubbard G,Petersen B.Financing constraints and corporate investment[J].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,1988,1(1):141-206.
[17]Fombrun C,Shanley M.What’s in a name?Reputation building and corporate strategy[J].Academy of Management Journal,1990,33(2):233-258.
[18]Goss A,Roberts G.The impact of corporate social responsibility on the cost of bankloans[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2011,35(7):1794-1810.
[19]Heckman J.Sample selection bias as a specification error[J].Econometrica,1979,47(1):153-161.
[20]Kaplan S,Zingales L.Do financing constraints explain why investment is correlatedwith cash flow?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1997,112(1):169-215.
[21]Leuz C,Verrecchia R.The economic consequences of increased disclosure[J].Journalof Accounting Research,2000,38(1):91-124.
[22]Modigliani F,Miller M.The cost of capital,corporation finance and the theory of in-vestment[J].American Economic Review,1958,48(3):261-297.
[23]Myers S,Majluf N.Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have in-formation that investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-221.
[24]Richardson A,Welker M.Social disclosure,financial disclosure and the cost of equitycapital[J].Accounting,Organization and Society,2001,26(7-8):597-616.
[25]Verrecchia R.Essays on disclosure[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2001,32(1-3):97-180.
[26]Whited T,Wu G.Financial constraints risk[J].Review of Financial Studies,2006,19(2):531-559.
[11]Abbott W,Monsen R.On the measurement of corporate social responsibility:Self-re-ported disclosures as a method of measuring corporate social involvement[J].Academyof Management Journal,1979,22(3):501-515.
[12]Almeida H,Campello M,Weisbach M.The cash flow sensitivity of cash[J].Journal ofFinance,2004,59(4):1777-1804.
[13]Dhaliwal D,Li O,Tsang A,et al.Voluntary nonfinancial disclosure and the cost of eq-uity capital:The initiation of corporate social responsibility reporting[J].The Account-ing Review,2011,86(1):59-100.
[14]Dhaliwal D,Radhakrishnan S,Tsang A,et al.Nonfinancial disclosure and analyst fore-cast accuracy:International evidence on corporate social responsibility disclosure[J].The Accounting Review,2012,87(3):723-759.
[15]Fama E,Laffer A.Information and capital markets[J].Journal of Business,1971,44(3):289-298...
[16]Fazzari S,Hubbard G,Petersen B.Financing constraints and corporate investment[J].Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,1988,1(1):141-206.
[17]Fombrun C,Shanley M.What’s in a name?Reputation building and corporate strategy[J].Academy of Management Journal,1990,33(2):233-258.
[18]Goss A,Roberts G.The impact of corporate social responsibility on the cost of bankloans[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,2011,35(7):1794-1810.
[19]Heckman J.Sample selection bias as a specification error[J].Econometrica,1979,47(1):153-161.
[20]Kaplan S,Zingales L.Do financing constraints explain why investment is correlatedwith cash flow?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1997,112(1):169-215.
[21]Leuz C,Verrecchia R.The economic consequences of increased disclosure[J].Journalof Accounting Research,2000,38(1):91-124.
[22]Modigliani F,Miller M.The cost of capital,corporation finance and the theory of in-vestment[J].American Economic Review,1958,48(3):261-297.
[23]Myers S,Majluf N.Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have in-formation that investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-221.
[24]Richardson A,Welker M.Social disclosure,financial disclosure and the cost of equitycapital[J].Accounting,Organization and Society,2001,26(7-8):597-616.
[25]Verrecchia R.Essays on disclosure[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2001,32(1-3):97-180.
[26]Whited T,Wu G.Financial constraints risk[J].Review of Financial Studies,2006,19(2):531-559.
何贤杰, 肖土盛, 陈信元. 企业社会责任信息披露与公司融资约束[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(8): 61–72.