财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 05 期, 页码:106 - 114
[1]Shingal A.How much do agreements matter for services trade?[R].MPRA Paper No.32815,2010.
[2]Baier S L,Bergstrand J H.Do free trade agreements actually increase members’interna-tional trade?[J].Journal of International Economics,2007,71,72-95.
[3]Baier S L,Bergstrand J H.Estimating the effects of free trade agreements on interna-tional trade flows using matching econometrics[J].Journal of International Economics,2009,77:63-76.
[4]Carrere C.Revisiting the effects of preferential trade agreements on trade flows with properspecification of the gravity model[J].European Economic Review,2006,50,223-247.
[5]Cheng I H,Wall H J.Controlling for heterogeneity in gravity models of trade and inte-gration[J].Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis Review,2005,87(1):49-63.
[6]Kimura F,Lee H.The gravity equation in international trade in services[J].Review ofWorld Economics,2006,142(1):92-121.
[7]Kox H,Lejour A.Regulatory heterogeneity as obstacle for international services trade[R].CPB Discussion Paper No.49,2005.
[8]Lennon C.Trade in services and trade in goods:Differences and complementarities[R].Paperpresented at the 8th Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group,2006.
[9]Silva J S,Tenreyro S.The log of gravity[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,2006,88(4):641-658.
[10]Walsh K.Trade in services:Does gravity hold?A gravity model approach to estimatingbarriers to service trade[R].The Institue for Interrational Integration Studies Duscus-sion Paper No.183,2006.
[11]Wooldridge J M.Econometric analysis of cross-section and panel data[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2002.
③本文“优惠贸易协定”在世界贸易组织统计中也被称为PS或PSA(Partial Scope或Par-tial Scope Agreement)。
[2]Baier S L,Bergstrand J H.Do free trade agreements actually increase members’interna-tional trade?[J].Journal of International Economics,2007,71,72-95.
[3]Baier S L,Bergstrand J H.Estimating the effects of free trade agreements on interna-tional trade flows using matching econometrics[J].Journal of International Economics,2009,77:63-76.
[4]Carrere C.Revisiting the effects of preferential trade agreements on trade flows with properspecification of the gravity model[J].European Economic Review,2006,50,223-247.
[5]Cheng I H,Wall H J.Controlling for heterogeneity in gravity models of trade and inte-gration[J].Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis Review,2005,87(1):49-63.
[6]Kimura F,Lee H.The gravity equation in international trade in services[J].Review ofWorld Economics,2006,142(1):92-121.
[7]Kox H,Lejour A.Regulatory heterogeneity as obstacle for international services trade[R].CPB Discussion Paper No.49,2005.
[8]Lennon C.Trade in services and trade in goods:Differences and complementarities[R].Paperpresented at the 8th Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group,2006.
[9]Silva J S,Tenreyro S.The log of gravity[J].Review of Economics and Statistics,2006,88(4):641-658.
[10]Walsh K.Trade in services:Does gravity hold?A gravity model approach to estimatingbarriers to service trade[R].The Institue for Interrational Integration Studies Duscus-sion Paper No.183,2006.
[11]Wooldridge J M.Econometric analysis of cross-section and panel data[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2002.
③本文“优惠贸易协定”在世界贸易组织统计中也被称为PS或PSA(Partial Scope或Par-tial Scope Agreement)。
周念利. 区域贸易安排的“双边服务贸易效应”经验研究——基于扩展引力模型的2000-2009年面板数据分析[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(5): 106–114.