财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 05 期, 页码:63 - 73
[9]Antle R,Eppen G D.Capital rationing and organizational slack in capital budgeting[J].Management Science,1985,31(2):163-174.
[10]Chiu Y,Liaw Y,Tseng W.Firm resources and corporate venturing investment[J].Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,2012,29(1):40-19.
[11]Chrisman J J,Chua J H,Sharma P.Trends and directions in the development of astrategic management theory of the family firm[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-tice,2005,29(5):555-576.
[12]Covin J G,Miles M P.Strategic use of corporate venturing[J].EntrepreneurshipTheory and Practice,2007,31(2):183-207.
[13]Cyert R M,March J G.A behavioral theory of the firm[M].New Jersey:PrenticeHall/Pearson Education,1963.
[14]Davidsson P.Entrepreneurship—and after?A study of growth willingness in smallfirms[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1989,4(3):211-226.
[15]Finkelstein S,Hambrick D C.Top-management-team tenure and organizational out-comes:The moderating role of managerial discretion[J].Administrative Science Quar-terly,1990,35(3):484-503.
[16]George G.Slack resources and the performance of privately held firms[J].Academyof Management Journal,2005,48(4):661-676.
[17]Gimeno J,Folta T B,Cooper A C,et al.Survival of the fittest?Entrepreneurial hu-man capital and the persistence of underperforming firms[J].Administrative ScienceQuarterly,1997,42(4):750-783.
[18]Kim H,Kim H,Lee P M.Ownership structure and the relationship between financialslack and R&D investments:Evidence from Korean firms[J].Organization Science,2008,19(3):404-418.
[19]Le Breton-Miller I,Miller D.Why do some family businesses out-compete?Governance,long-term orientations,and sustainable capability[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2006,30(6):731-746.
[20]O’Hart,Moore J.The governance of exchanges:Members’cooperatives versus out-side ownership[J].Oxford Review of Economic Policy,1996,12(4):53-69.
[21]Peng M W,Li Y,Xie E,et al.CEO duality,organizational slack,and firm perform-ance in China[J].Asia Pacific Journal of Management,2010,27(4):611-624.
[22]Pierce J L,Kostova T,Dirks K T.The state of psychological ownership:Integratingand extending a century of research[J].Review of General Psychology,2003,7(1):84-107.
[23]Pierce J L,Kostova T,Dirks K T.Toward a theory of psychological ownership in or-ganizations[J].Academy of Management Review,2001,26(2):298-310.
[24]Rousseau D M,Shperling Z.Pieces of the action:Ownership and the changing em-..ployment relationship[J].Academy of Management Review,2003,28(4):553-570.
[25]Sharfman M P,Wolf G,Chase R B,et al.Antecedents of organizational slack[J].Academy of Management Review,1988,13(4):601-614.
[26]Singh J V.Performance,slack,and risk taking in organizational decision making[J].Academy of Management Journal,1986,29(3):562-585.
[27]Tan J,Peng M W.Organizational slack and firm performance during economic transi-tions:Two studies from an emerging economy[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(13):1249-1263.
[28]Thompson J.Organizations in action[M].New York:McGraw-Hill,1967.
[29]Wasserman N.Stewards,agents,and the founder discount:Executive compensationin new ventures[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(5):960-976.
[9]Antle R,Eppen G D.Capital rationing and organizational slack in capital budgeting[J].Management Science,1985,31(2):163-174.
[10]Chiu Y,Liaw Y,Tseng W.Firm resources and corporate venturing investment[J].Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,2012,29(1):40-19.
[11]Chrisman J J,Chua J H,Sharma P.Trends and directions in the development of astrategic management theory of the family firm[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Prac-tice,2005,29(5):555-576.
[12]Covin J G,Miles M P.Strategic use of corporate venturing[J].EntrepreneurshipTheory and Practice,2007,31(2):183-207.
[13]Cyert R M,March J G.A behavioral theory of the firm[M].New Jersey:PrenticeHall/Pearson Education,1963.
[14]Davidsson P.Entrepreneurship—and after?A study of growth willingness in smallfirms[J].Journal of Business Venturing,1989,4(3):211-226.
[15]Finkelstein S,Hambrick D C.Top-management-team tenure and organizational out-comes:The moderating role of managerial discretion[J].Administrative Science Quar-terly,1990,35(3):484-503.
[16]George G.Slack resources and the performance of privately held firms[J].Academyof Management Journal,2005,48(4):661-676.
[17]Gimeno J,Folta T B,Cooper A C,et al.Survival of the fittest?Entrepreneurial hu-man capital and the persistence of underperforming firms[J].Administrative ScienceQuarterly,1997,42(4):750-783.
[18]Kim H,Kim H,Lee P M.Ownership structure and the relationship between financialslack and R&D investments:Evidence from Korean firms[J].Organization Science,2008,19(3):404-418.
[19]Le Breton-Miller I,Miller D.Why do some family businesses out-compete?Governance,long-term orientations,and sustainable capability[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2006,30(6):731-746.
[20]O’Hart,Moore J.The governance of exchanges:Members’cooperatives versus out-side ownership[J].Oxford Review of Economic Policy,1996,12(4):53-69.
[21]Peng M W,Li Y,Xie E,et al.CEO duality,organizational slack,and firm perform-ance in China[J].Asia Pacific Journal of Management,2010,27(4):611-624.
[22]Pierce J L,Kostova T,Dirks K T.The state of psychological ownership:Integratingand extending a century of research[J].Review of General Psychology,2003,7(1):84-107.
[23]Pierce J L,Kostova T,Dirks K T.Toward a theory of psychological ownership in or-ganizations[J].Academy of Management Review,2001,26(2):298-310.
[24]Rousseau D M,Shperling Z.Pieces of the action:Ownership and the changing em-..ployment relationship[J].Academy of Management Review,2003,28(4):553-570.
[25]Sharfman M P,Wolf G,Chase R B,et al.Antecedents of organizational slack[J].Academy of Management Review,1988,13(4):601-614.
[26]Singh J V.Performance,slack,and risk taking in organizational decision making[J].Academy of Management Journal,1986,29(3):562-585.
[27]Tan J,Peng M W.Organizational slack and firm performance during economic transi-tions:Two studies from an emerging economy[J].Strategic Management Journal,2003,24(13):1249-1263.
[28]Thompson J.Organizations in action[M].New York:McGraw-Hill,1967.
[29]Wasserman N.Stewards,agents,and the founder discount:Executive compensationin new ventures[J].Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(5):960-976.
郑丹辉, 韩晓燕, 李新春. 组织冗余与我国民营上市企业风险投资:创始人控制的调节作用[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(5): 63–73.