财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 04 期, 页码:39 - 48
[9]Almeida H,Campello M,Liu C.The financial accelerator:Evidence from internationalhousing markets[J].Review of Finance,2006,10:321-352.
[10]Attig N,Gadhoum Y,Lang L.Bid-ask spread,asymmetric information and ultimateownership[R].The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Working Paper,2003.
[11]Bebchuk L,Kraakman R,Triantis G.Stock pyramids,cross-ownership,and dual classequity:The mechanisms and agency costs of separating control from cash-flow rights[R].NBER Working Paper,1999.
[12]Bennedsen M,Wolfenzon D.The balance of power in closely held corporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58(1-2):113-139.
[13]Claessens S,Djankov S,Lang L H P.The separation of ownership and control in EastAsian corporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58(1-2):81-112.
[14]Claessens S,Djankov S,Fan J P H,et al.Disentangling the incentive and entrenchmenteffects of large shareholdings[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(6):2741-2771.
[15]Cronqvist H,Nilsson M.Agency costs of controlling minority shareholders[J].Journalof Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2003,38(4):695-719.
[16]Fan J,Wong T J.Corporate ownership structure and the informativeness of accountingearnings in East Asia[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2002,33(3):401-425.
[17]Johnson S,La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,et al.Tunneling[J].American EconomicReview,2000,90(2):22-27.
[18]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A.Corporate ownership around the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):471-517...
[19]Lins K V.Equity ownership and firm value in emerging markets[J].Journal ofFinancial and Quantitative Analysis,2003,38(1):159-184.
[20]Mauury B,Pajuste A.Multiple large shareholders and firm value[J].Journal of Bank-ing and Finance,2005,29(7):1813-1834.
[21]Pagano M,Roel A.The choice of stock ownership structure:Agency costs,monitoring,andthe decision to go public[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1998,113(1):187-225.
[22]Shleifer A,Vishny R W.Large shareholders and corporate control[J].Journal of Politi-cal Economy,1986,94(3):461-488.
[23]Villalonga B,Amit R.How do family ownership,control,and management affect firmvalue?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80(2):385-417.
[24]Yeh Y H,Woidtke T.Commitment or entrenchment:Controlling shareholders andboard composition[J].Journal of Banking&Finance 2005,29(2):1857-1885.
[25]Zhang A,Zhang Y,Zhao R.A study of the R&D efficiency and productivity of Chinesefirms[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2003,31(3):444-464.
[9]Almeida H,Campello M,Liu C.The financial accelerator:Evidence from internationalhousing markets[J].Review of Finance,2006,10:321-352.
[10]Attig N,Gadhoum Y,Lang L.Bid-ask spread,asymmetric information and ultimateownership[R].The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Working Paper,2003.
[11]Bebchuk L,Kraakman R,Triantis G.Stock pyramids,cross-ownership,and dual classequity:The mechanisms and agency costs of separating control from cash-flow rights[R].NBER Working Paper,1999.
[12]Bennedsen M,Wolfenzon D.The balance of power in closely held corporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58(1-2):113-139.
[13]Claessens S,Djankov S,Lang L H P.The separation of ownership and control in EastAsian corporations[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2000,58(1-2):81-112.
[14]Claessens S,Djankov S,Fan J P H,et al.Disentangling the incentive and entrenchmenteffects of large shareholdings[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(6):2741-2771.
[15]Cronqvist H,Nilsson M.Agency costs of controlling minority shareholders[J].Journalof Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2003,38(4):695-719.
[16]Fan J,Wong T J.Corporate ownership structure and the informativeness of accountingearnings in East Asia[J].Journal of Accounting and Economics,2002,33(3):401-425.
[17]Johnson S,La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,et al.Tunneling[J].American EconomicReview,2000,90(2):22-27.
[18]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A.Corporate ownership around the world[J].Journal of Finance,1999,54(2):471-517...
[19]Lins K V.Equity ownership and firm value in emerging markets[J].Journal ofFinancial and Quantitative Analysis,2003,38(1):159-184.
[20]Mauury B,Pajuste A.Multiple large shareholders and firm value[J].Journal of Bank-ing and Finance,2005,29(7):1813-1834.
[21]Pagano M,Roel A.The choice of stock ownership structure:Agency costs,monitoring,andthe decision to go public[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1998,113(1):187-225.
[22]Shleifer A,Vishny R W.Large shareholders and corporate control[J].Journal of Politi-cal Economy,1986,94(3):461-488.
[23]Villalonga B,Amit R.How do family ownership,control,and management affect firmvalue?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80(2):385-417.
[24]Yeh Y H,Woidtke T.Commitment or entrenchment:Controlling shareholders andboard composition[J].Journal of Banking&Finance 2005,29(2):1857-1885.
[25]Zhang A,Zhang Y,Zhao R.A study of the R&D efficiency and productivity of Chinesefirms[J].Journal of Comparative Economics,2003,31(3):444-464.
左晶晶, 唐跃军, 眭悦. 第二类代理问题、大股东制衡与公司创新投资[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(4): 39–48.