财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 02 期, 页码:48 - 58
[2]Anderson R C,Mansi S A,Reeb D M.Founding family ownership and the agency costof debt[J].Journal of Financial Economics.2003,68(2):263-285.
[3]Anderson R C,Mansi S A,Reeb D M.Board characteristics,accounting report integrity,andthe cost of debt[J].Journal of Accounting and Markets.2004,37(3):315-342.
[4]Baker M,Stein J C.Market liquidity as a sentiment indicator[J].Journal of FinancialMarkets.2004,7(3):271-299.
[5]Baker M,Stein J C,Wurgler J.When does the market matter?Stock prices and the in-vestment of equity-dependent firms[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics.2003,118(3):969-1005.
[6]Baker M,Wurgler J.Investor sentiment and the cross-section of stock returns[J].TheJournal of Finance.2006,61(4):1645-1680.
[7]Campbell J Y,Ammer J.What moves the stock and bond markets-A variance decom-position for long-term asset returns[J].The Journal of Finance.1993,48(1):3-37.
[8]Chordia T,Roll R,Subrahmanyam A.Market liquidity and trading activity[J].TheJournal of Finance.2001,56(2):501-530.
[9]Connolly R,Stivers C,Sun L.Stock market uncertainty and the stock-bond return re-lation[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.2005,40(1):161-194.
[10]De Long J B,Shleifer A,Summers L H,et al.Noise trader risk in financial-markets[J].Journal of Political Economy.1990,98(4):703-738.
[11]Fleming J,Kirby C,Ostdiek B.Information and volatility linkages in the stock,bond,andmoney markets[J].Journal of Financial Economics.1998,49(1):111-137.
[12]Graham J R,Harvey C R.The theory and practice of corporate finance:Evidencefrom the field[J].Journal of Financial Economics.2001,60(2-3):187-243.
[13]Krishnaswami S,Yaman D.Contracting costs and the window of opportunity forstraight debt issues[J].Journal of Banking and Finance.2007,31(3):869-888.
[14]Lamont O A,Stein J C.Investor sentiment and corporate finance:Micro and macro[J].American Economic Review.2006,96(2):147-151.
[15]Lamy R E,Thompson G R.Risk premia and the pricing of primary issue bonds[J].Journal of Banking and Finance.1988,12(4):585-601.
[16]Mansi S A,Maxwell W F,Wald J K.Creditor protection laws and the cost of debt[J].Journal of Law and Economics.2009,52(4):701-726.
[17]Polk C,Sapienza P.The stock market and corporate Investment:A Test of cateringtheory[J].Review of Financial Studies.2009,22(1):187-217.
[18]Richard C.G Investment incentives,debt,and warrants[J].Journal of Financial Eco-nomics,1984,13(1):115-136.
[19]Tang D Y,Yan H.Market conditions,default risk and credit spreads[J].Journal ofBanking and Finance.2010,34(4):724-734.
[2]Anderson R C,Mansi S A,Reeb D M.Founding family ownership and the agency costof debt[J].Journal of Financial Economics.2003,68(2):263-285.
[3]Anderson R C,Mansi S A,Reeb D M.Board characteristics,accounting report integrity,andthe cost of debt[J].Journal of Accounting and Markets.2004,37(3):315-342.
[4]Baker M,Stein J C.Market liquidity as a sentiment indicator[J].Journal of FinancialMarkets.2004,7(3):271-299.
[5]Baker M,Stein J C,Wurgler J.When does the market matter?Stock prices and the in-vestment of equity-dependent firms[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics.2003,118(3):969-1005.
[6]Baker M,Wurgler J.Investor sentiment and the cross-section of stock returns[J].TheJournal of Finance.2006,61(4):1645-1680.
[7]Campbell J Y,Ammer J.What moves the stock and bond markets-A variance decom-position for long-term asset returns[J].The Journal of Finance.1993,48(1):3-37.
[8]Chordia T,Roll R,Subrahmanyam A.Market liquidity and trading activity[J].TheJournal of Finance.2001,56(2):501-530.
[9]Connolly R,Stivers C,Sun L.Stock market uncertainty and the stock-bond return re-lation[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.2005,40(1):161-194.
[10]De Long J B,Shleifer A,Summers L H,et al.Noise trader risk in financial-markets[J].Journal of Political Economy.1990,98(4):703-738.
[11]Fleming J,Kirby C,Ostdiek B.Information and volatility linkages in the stock,bond,andmoney markets[J].Journal of Financial Economics.1998,49(1):111-137.
[12]Graham J R,Harvey C R.The theory and practice of corporate finance:Evidencefrom the field[J].Journal of Financial Economics.2001,60(2-3):187-243.
[13]Krishnaswami S,Yaman D.Contracting costs and the window of opportunity forstraight debt issues[J].Journal of Banking and Finance.2007,31(3):869-888.
[14]Lamont O A,Stein J C.Investor sentiment and corporate finance:Micro and macro[J].American Economic Review.2006,96(2):147-151.
[15]Lamy R E,Thompson G R.Risk premia and the pricing of primary issue bonds[J].Journal of Banking and Finance.1988,12(4):585-601.
[16]Mansi S A,Maxwell W F,Wald J K.Creditor protection laws and the cost of debt[J].Journal of Law and Economics.2009,52(4):701-726.
[17]Polk C,Sapienza P.The stock market and corporate Investment:A Test of cateringtheory[J].Review of Financial Studies.2009,22(1):187-217.
[18]Richard C.G Investment incentives,debt,and warrants[J].Journal of Financial Eco-nomics,1984,13(1):115-136.
[19]Tang D Y,Yan H.Market conditions,default risk and credit spreads[J].Journal ofBanking and Finance.2010,34(4):724-734.
徐浩萍, 杨国超. 股票市场投资者情绪的跨市场效应——对债券融资成本影响的研究[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(2): 48–58.