财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 10 期, 页码:71 - 83
[19]Behrens K,Lamorgese A,Ottaviano G,et al.Testing the home market effect in a multi-country world[R].CEPR Discussion Papers,No.4468,2004.
[20]Brulhart M,Trionfetti F.A test of trade theories when expenditure is home biased[J].European Economic Review,2009,53(7):830-845.
[21]Chen C M,Zeng D Z.The home market effect:Beyond the constant elasticity of substitution[R].Tohoku University Working Paper,2014.
[22]Combes P,Mayer T,Thisse J F.Economic geography:the integration of regions and nations[M].Princeton:Princeton University Press,2008.
[23]Crozet M,Trionfetti F.Trade costs and the home market effect[J].Journal of International Economics,2008,76(2):309-321.
[24]Dalgin M,Trindade V,Mitra D.Inequality,non-homothetic preferences,and trade:A gravity approach[J].Southern Economic Journal,2007,74(3):747-774.
[25]Davis D.The home market,trade,and industrial structure[J].American Economic Review,1998,88(5):1264-1276.
[26]Davis D,Weinstein D.Economic geography and regional production structure:an empirical investigation[J].European Economic Review,1999,43(2):379-407.
[27]Davis D,Weinstein D.Market access,economic geography and comparative advantage:An empirical test[J].Journal of International Economics,2003,59(1):1-23.
[28]Domeque N,Fillat C,Sanz G.The home market effect in Spanish industry:An empirical analysis[EB/OL]. 2005/papers/domeque.pdf,2005.
[29]Domeque N,Fillat C,Sanz G.The home market effect in the Spanish industry,1965-1995[J].The Annals of Regional Science,2011,46(2):379-396.
[30]Fajgelbaum P,Grossman G M,Helpman E.Income distribution,product quality,and international trade[J].Journal of Political Economy,2011,119(4):721-765.
[31]Ghazalian L,Furtan W.Home market effect in the presence of multinational activities:Location and nationality[J].International Review of Economics,2009,56(5):377-392.
[32]Head K,Mayer T,Ries J.On the pervasiveness of home market effects[J].Economica,2002,69(275):371-390.
[33]Helpman E,Krugman P.Market structure and foreign trade[M].Cambridge(Mass):MIT Press,1985.
[34]Krugman P.Scale economies,product differentiation,and the pattern of trade[J].American Economic Review,1980,70(5):950-959.
[35]Larch M.The home market effect in models with multinational enterprises[J].Review of International Economics,2007,15(1):62-74.
[36]Okubo T,Rebeyrol V.Home market effect and regulation costs——Homogeneous and hetero geneous firm trade models[R].HEI Working Paper,No.02,2006.
[37]Schumacher D.Home market and traditional effects on comparative advantage in a gravity approach[R].DIW Discussion Paper,No.344,2003.
[38]Johdo W.Asymmetric transportation costs and the home market effect[J].Theoretical Economics Letters,2013,35(3):81-84.
[39]Weder R.Comparative home-market advantage:an empirical analysis of British and American exports[J].Review of World Economics,2003,139(2):220-247.
[40]Huang Y Y,Lee C T,Huang D S.Home market effects in the chamberlinian-ricardian world[J].Bulletin of Economic Research,2013,66(3):25-49.
[41]Yu Z.Trade,market size,and industrial structure:The home market effects rivisited[J].Canadian Journal of Economics,2005,38(1):255-272.
[42]Zeng D,Kikuchi T.Home market effect and the agricultural sector[EB/OL].,2006.
[43]Zeng D,Kikuchi T.Home market effect and trade costs[J].The Japanese Economic Review,2009,60(2):253-270.
①其中Xαij代表产品α由i国向j国的出口额;kαi表示产品α在i国的GDP中所占份额,ma j表示j国在产品α上的支出占世界该产品支出的比重,Yi表示i国的GDP。
[19]Behrens K,Lamorgese A,Ottaviano G,et al.Testing the home market effect in a multi-country world[R].CEPR Discussion Papers,No.4468,2004.
[20]Brulhart M,Trionfetti F.A test of trade theories when expenditure is home biased[J].European Economic Review,2009,53(7):830-845.
[21]Chen C M,Zeng D Z.The home market effect:Beyond the constant elasticity of substitution[R].Tohoku University Working Paper,2014.
[22]Combes P,Mayer T,Thisse J F.Economic geography:the integration of regions and nations[M].Princeton:Princeton University Press,2008.
[23]Crozet M,Trionfetti F.Trade costs and the home market effect[J].Journal of International Economics,2008,76(2):309-321.
[24]Dalgin M,Trindade V,Mitra D.Inequality,non-homothetic preferences,and trade:A gravity approach[J].Southern Economic Journal,2007,74(3):747-774.
[25]Davis D.The home market,trade,and industrial structure[J].American Economic Review,1998,88(5):1264-1276.
[26]Davis D,Weinstein D.Economic geography and regional production structure:an empirical investigation[J].European Economic Review,1999,43(2):379-407.
[27]Davis D,Weinstein D.Market access,economic geography and comparative advantage:An empirical test[J].Journal of International Economics,2003,59(1):1-23.
[28]Domeque N,Fillat C,Sanz G.The home market effect in Spanish industry:An empirical analysis[EB/OL]. 2005/papers/domeque.pdf,2005.
[29]Domeque N,Fillat C,Sanz G.The home market effect in the Spanish industry,1965-1995[J].The Annals of Regional Science,2011,46(2):379-396.
[30]Fajgelbaum P,Grossman G M,Helpman E.Income distribution,product quality,and international trade[J].Journal of Political Economy,2011,119(4):721-765.
[31]Ghazalian L,Furtan W.Home market effect in the presence of multinational activities:Location and nationality[J].International Review of Economics,2009,56(5):377-392.
[32]Head K,Mayer T,Ries J.On the pervasiveness of home market effects[J].Economica,2002,69(275):371-390.
[33]Helpman E,Krugman P.Market structure and foreign trade[M].Cambridge(Mass):MIT Press,1985.
[34]Krugman P.Scale economies,product differentiation,and the pattern of trade[J].American Economic Review,1980,70(5):950-959.
[35]Larch M.The home market effect in models with multinational enterprises[J].Review of International Economics,2007,15(1):62-74.
[36]Okubo T,Rebeyrol V.Home market effect and regulation costs——Homogeneous and hetero geneous firm trade models[R].HEI Working Paper,No.02,2006.
[37]Schumacher D.Home market and traditional effects on comparative advantage in a gravity approach[R].DIW Discussion Paper,No.344,2003.
[38]Johdo W.Asymmetric transportation costs and the home market effect[J].Theoretical Economics Letters,2013,35(3):81-84.
[39]Weder R.Comparative home-market advantage:an empirical analysis of British and American exports[J].Review of World Economics,2003,139(2):220-247.
[40]Huang Y Y,Lee C T,Huang D S.Home market effects in the chamberlinian-ricardian world[J].Bulletin of Economic Research,2013,66(3):25-49.
[41]Yu Z.Trade,market size,and industrial structure:The home market effects rivisited[J].Canadian Journal of Economics,2005,38(1):255-272.
[42]Zeng D,Kikuchi T.Home market effect and the agricultural sector[EB/OL].,2006.
[43]Zeng D,Kikuchi T.Home market effect and trade costs[J].The Japanese Economic Review,2009,60(2):253-270.
①其中Xαij代表产品α由i国向j国的出口额;kαi表示产品α在i国的GDP中所占份额,ma j表示j国在产品α上的支出占世界该产品支出的比重,Yi表示i国的GDP。
阚大学, 吕连菊. 中国服务贸易的本地市场效应研究——基于中国与31个国家(地区)的双边贸易面板数据[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(10): 71–83.