财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 10 期, 页码:46 - 58
[12]Abramovsky L,Griffith R.Outsourcing and offshoring of business services:how important is ICT?[J].Journal of the European Economic Association,2006,4(2):594-601.
[13]Blomstrm M,Kokko A.Multinational corporations and spillovers[J].Journal of Economic Surveys,1998,12(3):247-277.
[14]Cette G,Mairesse J,Kocoglu Y.ICT diffusion and potential output growth[J].Economics Letters,2005,87(2):231-234.
[15]Clarke G.Has the internet increased exports for firms from low and middle-income countries?[J].Information Economics and Policy,2008,20(1):16-37.
[16]Clarke G,Wallsten S.Has the internet increased trade?Developed and developing country evidence[J].Economic Inquiry,2006,44(3):465-484.
[17]Clerides S K,Lach S,Tybout J R.Is learning by exporting important?Micro-dynamic evidence from Colombia,Mexico,and Morocco[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1998,113(3):903-947.
[18]Freund C,Weinhold D.The Internet and international trade in services[J].The American Economic Review,2002,92(2):236-240.
[19]Freund C L.Weinhold D.The effect of the Internet on international trade[J].Journal of International Economics,2004,62(1):171-189.
[20]Julien P A,Ramangalahy C.Competitive strategy and performance of exporting SMEs:An empirical investigation of their export information search and competencies[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2003,27(3):227-245.
[21]Prasad V K,Ramamurthy K,Naidu G M.The influence of internet-marketing integration on marketing competencies and export performance[J].Journal of International Marketing,2001,9(4):82-110.
[22]Levinsohn J,Petrin A.Estimating production functions using inputs to control for unobservable[J].Review of Economic Studies,2003,70(2):317-341
[23]Melitz M.The impact of trade on Intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71(6):1695-1725.
[24]Seringhaus F.Trade missions in exporting:state of the art[J].Management International Review,1989,29(2):5-16.
[25]Timmis J.The internet and international trade in goods[R].The University of Nottingham Research Paper Series,2012.
[26]Vemuri V K,Siddiqi S.Impact of commercialization of the internet on international Trade:A panel study using the extended gravity model[J].The International Trade Journal,2009,23(4):458-484.
[27]Yi M H,Choi C.The effect of the internet on inflation:Panel data evidence[J].Journal of Policy Modeling,2005,27(7):885-889.
①IBM将“智慧城市(Smart City)”定义为:能够充分运用信息和通信技术手段感测、分析、整合城市运行核心系统的各项关键信息,从而对于包括民生、环保、公共安全、城市服务、工商业活动在内的各种需求做出智能的响应。
①本文用于刻画网络销售的变量在世界银行数据集中具体的定义为“Ratio of sales revenue realized through internet and email”。
①25个主要沿海港口来自于中华人民共和国交通部2004年10月26日《关于发布全国主要港口名录的公告》。考虑到地形地貌的影响以及目前国内企业的货物运输主要依赖于公路,本文利用谷歌地图(Google Maps)的城市间公路行驶距离作为城市间距离。
①在数据集中的表述为“days needed to gain access to Internet”。感谢审稿人提出的建设性意见。
[12]Abramovsky L,Griffith R.Outsourcing and offshoring of business services:how important is ICT?[J].Journal of the European Economic Association,2006,4(2):594-601.
[13]Blomstrm M,Kokko A.Multinational corporations and spillovers[J].Journal of Economic Surveys,1998,12(3):247-277.
[14]Cette G,Mairesse J,Kocoglu Y.ICT diffusion and potential output growth[J].Economics Letters,2005,87(2):231-234.
[15]Clarke G.Has the internet increased exports for firms from low and middle-income countries?[J].Information Economics and Policy,2008,20(1):16-37.
[16]Clarke G,Wallsten S.Has the internet increased trade?Developed and developing country evidence[J].Economic Inquiry,2006,44(3):465-484.
[17]Clerides S K,Lach S,Tybout J R.Is learning by exporting important?Micro-dynamic evidence from Colombia,Mexico,and Morocco[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1998,113(3):903-947.
[18]Freund C,Weinhold D.The Internet and international trade in services[J].The American Economic Review,2002,92(2):236-240.
[19]Freund C L.Weinhold D.The effect of the Internet on international trade[J].Journal of International Economics,2004,62(1):171-189.
[20]Julien P A,Ramangalahy C.Competitive strategy and performance of exporting SMEs:An empirical investigation of their export information search and competencies[J].Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,2003,27(3):227-245.
[21]Prasad V K,Ramamurthy K,Naidu G M.The influence of internet-marketing integration on marketing competencies and export performance[J].Journal of International Marketing,2001,9(4):82-110.
[22]Levinsohn J,Petrin A.Estimating production functions using inputs to control for unobservable[J].Review of Economic Studies,2003,70(2):317-341
[23]Melitz M.The impact of trade on Intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71(6):1695-1725.
[24]Seringhaus F.Trade missions in exporting:state of the art[J].Management International Review,1989,29(2):5-16.
[25]Timmis J.The internet and international trade in goods[R].The University of Nottingham Research Paper Series,2012.
[26]Vemuri V K,Siddiqi S.Impact of commercialization of the internet on international Trade:A panel study using the extended gravity model[J].The International Trade Journal,2009,23(4):458-484.
[27]Yi M H,Choi C.The effect of the internet on inflation:Panel data evidence[J].Journal of Policy Modeling,2005,27(7):885-889.
①IBM将“智慧城市(Smart City)”定义为:能够充分运用信息和通信技术手段感测、分析、整合城市运行核心系统的各项关键信息,从而对于包括民生、环保、公共安全、城市服务、工商业活动在内的各种需求做出智能的响应。
①本文用于刻画网络销售的变量在世界银行数据集中具体的定义为“Ratio of sales revenue realized through internet and email”。
①25个主要沿海港口来自于中华人民共和国交通部2004年10月26日《关于发布全国主要港口名录的公告》。考虑到地形地貌的影响以及目前国内企业的货物运输主要依赖于公路,本文利用谷歌地图(Google Maps)的城市间公路行驶距离作为城市间距离。
①在数据集中的表述为“days needed to gain access to Internet”。感谢审稿人提出的建设性意见。
周浩, 余金利, 郑越. 网络销售对中国工业企业出口参与的影响[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(10): 46–58.