外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 09 期, 页码:
[1]ABA Banking Journal. Getting the goods on time thieves[J]. ABA Banking Journal,1983,75(3):22.
[2]Ajzen I.The theory of planned behavior[J]. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1991,50(2):179-211.
[3]Anandarajan M and Simmers C A. Personal web usage in the workplace:A guide to effective human resources management[M]. Hershey,Pa:Information Science Publishing,2003.
[4]Anandarajan M,Paravastu N and Simmers C A. Perceptions of personal web usage in the workplace:AQmethodology approach[J]. CyberPsychology and Behavior,2006,9(3):325-335.
[5]Appelbaum S H,Deguire K J and Lay M. The relationship of ethical climate to deviant workplace behavior[J]. Corporate Governance,2005,5(4):43-55.
[6]Bardwick J M. One foot out the door:How to combat the psychological recession that’s alienating employees and hurting American business[M]. New York,NY:AMACOM,2008.
[7]Bennett N and Naumann S E. Withholding effort at work:Understanding and preventing shirking,job neglect,social loafing and free riding[A]. in Kidwell Jr R E and Martin C L(Eds.). Managing organizational deviance[C]. Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,2004:113-126.
[8]Berry C M,Carpenter N C and Barratt C L. Do otherreports of counterproductive work behavior provide an incremental contribution over selfreports? A metaanalytic comparison[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,97(3):613-636.
[9]Blanchard A L and Henle C A. Correlates of different forms of cyberloafing:The role of norms and external locus of control[J]. Computers in Human Behavior,2008,24(3):1067-1084.
[10]Bock G W and Ho S L. Nonwork related computing[J]. Communications of The ACM,2009,52(4):124-128.
[11]Bock G W,Park S C and Zhang Y C. Why employees do nonworkrelated computing in the workplace[J]. Journal of Computer Information Systems,2010,50(3):150-163.
[12]Bowling N A and Gruys M L. Overlooked issues in the conceptualization and measurement of counterproductive work behavior[J]. Human Resource Management Review,2010,20(1):54-61.
[13]Brock M E. Investigating the antecedents of time banditry:Climate,personality and commitment[D]. University of Oklahoma,2010.
[14]Brock M E,Martin L E and Buckley M R. Time theft in organizations:The development of the time banditry questionnaire[J]. International Journal of Selection and Assessment,2013,21(3):309-321.
[15]Chen J V,Chen C C and Yang H H. An empirical evaluation of key factors contributing to internet abuse in the workplace[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems,2008,108(1):87-106.
[16]Coker B L S. Freedom to surf:The positive effects of workplace Internet leisure browsing[J]. New Technology,Work and Employment,2011,26(3):238-247.
[17]Colquitt J A,Scott B A,Judge T A and Shaw J C. Justice and personality:Using integrative theories to derive moderators of justice effects[J]. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2006,100(1):110-127.
[18]Diefendorff J M and Mehta K. The relations of motivational traits with workplace deviance[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):967-977.
[19]Finweek. How we’re wasting time at work[DB/OL]. Salary.com,2014,September 18:8-9.
[20]Foltz C B,Schwager P H and Anderson J E. Why users(fail to) read computer usage policies[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems,2008,108(6):701-712.
[21]Fox S,Spector P E,Goh A and Bruursema K. Does your coworker know what you’re doing? Convergence of self and peerreports of counterproductive work behavior[J]. International Journal of Stress Management,2007,14(1):41-60.
[22]Galletta D and Polak P.An empirical investigation of antecedents of internet abuse in the workplace[DB/OL].AIS SIGHCI Workshop,Seattle,December 2003.
[23]Griffiths M. Internet abuse and Internet addiction in the workplace[J]. Journal of Workplace Learning,2010,22(7):463-472.
[24]Gronewold U,Gold A and Salterio S. Reporting selfmade errors:The impact of organizational errormanagement climate and error type[J]. Journal of Business Ethics,2013,117(1):189-208.
[25]Gruys M L and Sackett P R. Investigating the dimensionality of counterproductive work behavior[J]. International Journal of Selection and Assessment,2003,11(1):30-42.
[26]Hai L C and Tziner A. Relationships between counterproductive work behavior,perceived justice and climate,occupational status,and leadermember exchange[J]. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones,2014,30(1):1-12.
[27]Hall D and Buzwell S. The problem of freeriding in group projects:Looking beyond social loafing as reason for noncontribution[J]. Active Learning in Higher Education,2013,14(1):37-49.
[28]Henle C A,Reeve C L and Pitts V E. Stealing time at work:Attitudes,social pressure,and perceived control as predictors of time theft[J]. Journal of Business Ethics,2010,94(1):53-67.
[29]Ilies R,Scott B A and Judge T A. The interactive effects of personal traits and experienced states on intraindividual patterns of citizenship behavior[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(3):561-575.
[30]Jensen J M and Patel P C. Predicting counterproductive work behavior from the interaction of personality traits[J]. Personality and Individual Differences,2011,51(4):466-471.
[31]Kaptein M. Developing a measure of unethical behavior in the workplace:A stakeholder perspective[J]. Journal of Management,2008,34(5):978-1008.
[32]Ketchen D J,Craighead C W and Buckley M R. Time bandits:How they are created,why they are tolerated,and what can be done about them[J]. Business Horizons,2008,51(2):141-149.
[33]Kidwell R E and Robie C. Withholding effort in organizations:Toward development and validation of a measure[J]. Journal of Business and Psychology,2003,17(4):537-561.
[34]KishGephart J J,Harrison D A and Trevino L K. Bad apples,bad cases,and bad barrels:Metaanalytic evidence about sources of unethical decisions at work[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(1):1-31.
[35]Klotz A C and Buckley M R. A historical perspective of counterproductive work behavior targeting the organization[J]. Journal of Management History,2013,19(1):114-132.
[36]Lau V C S,Au W T and Ho J M C. A qualitative and quantitative review of antecedents of counterproductive behavior in organizations[J]. Journal of Business and Psychology,2003,18(1):73-99.
[37]Lawrence T B and Robinson S L. Ain’t misbehavin:Workplace deviance as organizational resistance[J]. Journal of Management,2007,33(3):378-394.
[38]Lee O K D,Lim K H and Wong W M. Why employees do nonworkrelated computing:An exploratory investigation through multiple theoretical perspectives[C]. in the proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(Track 7 Volume 07),2005:185.
[39]Lim V K G. The IT way of loafing on the job:Cyber loafing,neutralizing and organizational justice[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2002,23(5):675-694.
[40]Lin T C and Huang C C. Withholding effort in knowledge contribution:The role of social exchange and social cognitive on project teams[J]. Information & Management,2010,47(3):188-196.
[41]Malachowski D. Wasted time at work costing companies billions[EB/OL]. Salary.com,2005. Available http://www.salary.com/careers/layoutscripts/crel_display.asp?tab=cre&cat=nocat&ser=Ser374&part=Par555.
[42]Martin L E,Brock M E,Buckley M R and Ketchen D J. Time banditry:Examining the purloining of time in organizations[J]. Human Resource Management Review,2010,20(1):26-34.
[43]Pogson C E,Cober A B,Doverspike D and Rogers J R. Differences in selfreported work ethic across three career stages[J]. Journal of Vocational Behavior,2003,62(1):189-201.
[44]Salgado J F. The Five Factor Model of personality and job performance in the European community[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,1997,82(1):30-43.
[45]Sara M and iftioglu A. What do human resources managers think about the employee’s Internet usage?[J]. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences,2014,14(2):1-12.
[46]Spector P E and Fox S. An emotioncentered model of voluntary work behavior:Some parallels between counterproductive work behaviors and organizational citizenship behavior[J]. Human Resource Management Review,2002,12(2):269-292.
[47]Zoghbi P. Fear in organizations:Does intimidation by formal punishment mediate the relationship between interactional justice and workplace internet deviance?[J]. Journal of Managerial Psychology,2006,21(6):580-592.
[2]Ajzen I.The theory of planned behavior[J]. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,1991,50(2):179-211.
[3]Anandarajan M and Simmers C A. Personal web usage in the workplace:A guide to effective human resources management[M]. Hershey,Pa:Information Science Publishing,2003.
[4]Anandarajan M,Paravastu N and Simmers C A. Perceptions of personal web usage in the workplace:AQmethodology approach[J]. CyberPsychology and Behavior,2006,9(3):325-335.
[5]Appelbaum S H,Deguire K J and Lay M. The relationship of ethical climate to deviant workplace behavior[J]. Corporate Governance,2005,5(4):43-55.
[6]Bardwick J M. One foot out the door:How to combat the psychological recession that’s alienating employees and hurting American business[M]. New York,NY:AMACOM,2008.
[7]Bennett N and Naumann S E. Withholding effort at work:Understanding and preventing shirking,job neglect,social loafing and free riding[A]. in Kidwell Jr R E and Martin C L(Eds.). Managing organizational deviance[C]. Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage,2004:113-126.
[8]Berry C M,Carpenter N C and Barratt C L. Do otherreports of counterproductive work behavior provide an incremental contribution over selfreports? A metaanalytic comparison[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2011,97(3):613-636.
[9]Blanchard A L and Henle C A. Correlates of different forms of cyberloafing:The role of norms and external locus of control[J]. Computers in Human Behavior,2008,24(3):1067-1084.
[10]Bock G W and Ho S L. Nonwork related computing[J]. Communications of The ACM,2009,52(4):124-128.
[11]Bock G W,Park S C and Zhang Y C. Why employees do nonworkrelated computing in the workplace[J]. Journal of Computer Information Systems,2010,50(3):150-163.
[12]Bowling N A and Gruys M L. Overlooked issues in the conceptualization and measurement of counterproductive work behavior[J]. Human Resource Management Review,2010,20(1):54-61.
[13]Brock M E. Investigating the antecedents of time banditry:Climate,personality and commitment[D]. University of Oklahoma,2010.
[14]Brock M E,Martin L E and Buckley M R. Time theft in organizations:The development of the time banditry questionnaire[J]. International Journal of Selection and Assessment,2013,21(3):309-321.
[15]Chen J V,Chen C C and Yang H H. An empirical evaluation of key factors contributing to internet abuse in the workplace[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems,2008,108(1):87-106.
[16]Coker B L S. Freedom to surf:The positive effects of workplace Internet leisure browsing[J]. New Technology,Work and Employment,2011,26(3):238-247.
[17]Colquitt J A,Scott B A,Judge T A and Shaw J C. Justice and personality:Using integrative theories to derive moderators of justice effects[J]. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,2006,100(1):110-127.
[18]Diefendorff J M and Mehta K. The relations of motivational traits with workplace deviance[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2007,92(4):967-977.
[19]Finweek. How we’re wasting time at work[DB/OL]. Salary.com,2014,September 18:8-9.
[20]Foltz C B,Schwager P H and Anderson J E. Why users(fail to) read computer usage policies[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems,2008,108(6):701-712.
[21]Fox S,Spector P E,Goh A and Bruursema K. Does your coworker know what you’re doing? Convergence of self and peerreports of counterproductive work behavior[J]. International Journal of Stress Management,2007,14(1):41-60.
[22]Galletta D and Polak P.An empirical investigation of antecedents of internet abuse in the workplace[DB/OL].AIS SIGHCI Workshop,Seattle,December 2003.
[23]Griffiths M. Internet abuse and Internet addiction in the workplace[J]. Journal of Workplace Learning,2010,22(7):463-472.
[24]Gronewold U,Gold A and Salterio S. Reporting selfmade errors:The impact of organizational errormanagement climate and error type[J]. Journal of Business Ethics,2013,117(1):189-208.
[25]Gruys M L and Sackett P R. Investigating the dimensionality of counterproductive work behavior[J]. International Journal of Selection and Assessment,2003,11(1):30-42.
[26]Hai L C and Tziner A. Relationships between counterproductive work behavior,perceived justice and climate,occupational status,and leadermember exchange[J]. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones,2014,30(1):1-12.
[27]Hall D and Buzwell S. The problem of freeriding in group projects:Looking beyond social loafing as reason for noncontribution[J]. Active Learning in Higher Education,2013,14(1):37-49.
[28]Henle C A,Reeve C L and Pitts V E. Stealing time at work:Attitudes,social pressure,and perceived control as predictors of time theft[J]. Journal of Business Ethics,2010,94(1):53-67.
[29]Ilies R,Scott B A and Judge T A. The interactive effects of personal traits and experienced states on intraindividual patterns of citizenship behavior[J]. Academy of Management Journal,2006,49(3):561-575.
[30]Jensen J M and Patel P C. Predicting counterproductive work behavior from the interaction of personality traits[J]. Personality and Individual Differences,2011,51(4):466-471.
[31]Kaptein M. Developing a measure of unethical behavior in the workplace:A stakeholder perspective[J]. Journal of Management,2008,34(5):978-1008.
[32]Ketchen D J,Craighead C W and Buckley M R. Time bandits:How they are created,why they are tolerated,and what can be done about them[J]. Business Horizons,2008,51(2):141-149.
[33]Kidwell R E and Robie C. Withholding effort in organizations:Toward development and validation of a measure[J]. Journal of Business and Psychology,2003,17(4):537-561.
[34]KishGephart J J,Harrison D A and Trevino L K. Bad apples,bad cases,and bad barrels:Metaanalytic evidence about sources of unethical decisions at work[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,2010,95(1):1-31.
[35]Klotz A C and Buckley M R. A historical perspective of counterproductive work behavior targeting the organization[J]. Journal of Management History,2013,19(1):114-132.
[36]Lau V C S,Au W T and Ho J M C. A qualitative and quantitative review of antecedents of counterproductive behavior in organizations[J]. Journal of Business and Psychology,2003,18(1):73-99.
[37]Lawrence T B and Robinson S L. Ain’t misbehavin:Workplace deviance as organizational resistance[J]. Journal of Management,2007,33(3):378-394.
[38]Lee O K D,Lim K H and Wong W M. Why employees do nonworkrelated computing:An exploratory investigation through multiple theoretical perspectives[C]. in the proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(Track 7 Volume 07),2005:185.
[39]Lim V K G. The IT way of loafing on the job:Cyber loafing,neutralizing and organizational justice[J].Journal of Organizational Behavior,2002,23(5):675-694.
[40]Lin T C and Huang C C. Withholding effort in knowledge contribution:The role of social exchange and social cognitive on project teams[J]. Information & Management,2010,47(3):188-196.
[41]Malachowski D. Wasted time at work costing companies billions[EB/OL]. Salary.com,2005. Available http://www.salary.com/careers/layoutscripts/crel_display.asp?tab=cre&cat=nocat&ser=Ser374&part=Par555.
[42]Martin L E,Brock M E,Buckley M R and Ketchen D J. Time banditry:Examining the purloining of time in organizations[J]. Human Resource Management Review,2010,20(1):26-34.
[43]Pogson C E,Cober A B,Doverspike D and Rogers J R. Differences in selfreported work ethic across three career stages[J]. Journal of Vocational Behavior,2003,62(1):189-201.
[44]Salgado J F. The Five Factor Model of personality and job performance in the European community[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology,1997,82(1):30-43.
[45]Sara M and iftioglu A. What do human resources managers think about the employee’s Internet usage?[J]. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences,2014,14(2):1-12.
[46]Spector P E and Fox S. An emotioncentered model of voluntary work behavior:Some parallels between counterproductive work behaviors and organizational citizenship behavior[J]. Human Resource Management Review,2002,12(2):269-292.
[47]Zoghbi P. Fear in organizations:Does intimidation by formal punishment mediate the relationship between interactional justice and workplace internet deviance?[J]. Journal of Managerial Psychology,2006,21(6):580-592.
王雁飞, 林星驰, 张静茹. 组织中的时间侵占行为研究进展述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(9): 0.