外国经济与管理 2006 年 第 28 卷第 03 期, 页码:1 - 7
[1]Jensen,and Murphy.Performance pay and top management incentives[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98:225-264.
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[4]Aggarwal,and Samwick.The other side of the trade-off:the impact of risk on executive compensation[J].Journal of Po-litical Economy,1999,107:65-105.
[5]Bertand,and Mullainathan.Do CEOs set their own pay?the ones without principals do[R].NBER Working Papers No.7604,March 2001.
[6]Ackerberg,and Botticini.Endogenous matching and the empirical determinants of contract form[J].Journal of Political E-conomy,2002,110:564-591.
[7]Laffont,and Matoussi.Moral hazard,financial constraints and sharecropping contract[J].Review of Economic Studies,1995,62:381-399.
[8]Hanssen.The effect of a technological shock on contract form:revenue sharing in movie exhibition and the coming ofsound[J].Economic Inquiry,2002,40:168-192.
[9]Bandiera.On the structure of tenancy contracts:theory and evidence from 19th century rural Sicily[R].CEPR DiscussionPaper No.3032,October 2001.
[10]Holmstrom,and Milgrom.Multi-task principal-agent analyses:incentive contracts,asset ownership,and job design[J].The Journal of Law,Economics&Organization,1991,7(Sep.):24-52.
[11]Slade.Multi-task agency and contract choice:an empirical exploration[J].International Economic Review,1996,37:465-486.
[12]Joskow.Contract duration and relationship-specific investments:empirical evidence from coal markets[J].American E-conomic Review,1987,77:168-185.
[13]Monteverde,and Teece.Supplier switching costs and vertical integration in the automobile industry[J].Bell Journal ofEconomics,1982,13:206-213.
[14]Croker,and Renolds.The efficiency of incomplete contracts:an empirical analysis of air force engine procurement[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1993,24:126-146.
[15]Hubbard,and Weiner.How wide is the scope of hold-up-based theories?contractual form and market thickness in truc-king[R].NBER Working Papers No.7347,September 1999.
[16]Dionne,and Doherty.Adverse selection,commitment and renegotiation:extension to and evidence from insurance markets[J].Journal of Political Economy,1994,102:210-235.
[17]Margiotta,and Miller.Managerial compensation and the cost of moral hazard[J].International Economic Review,2000,(41):669-719.
[18]Harris,and Holmstrom.A theory of wage dynamic[J].Review of Economic Studies,1982,49:315-333.
[19]Chiappori,Salanie,and Valentin.Early starters vs.late beginners[J].Journal of Political Economy,1999,107:731-760.
[20]Hendel,and Lizzeri.The role of commitment in dynamic contracts:evidence from life insurance[R].NBER Working Pa-pers No.7470,January 2000.
[2]Hall,and Lieman.Are CEOs really paid like bureaucrats?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1998,113:653-691.
[3]Lazear.Output-based pay:incentives or sorting?[R].NBER Working Papers No.7419,November 1999.
[4]Aggarwal,and Samwick.The other side of the trade-off:the impact of risk on executive compensation[J].Journal of Po-litical Economy,1999,107:65-105.
[5]Bertand,and Mullainathan.Do CEOs set their own pay?the ones without principals do[R].NBER Working Papers No.7604,March 2001.
[6]Ackerberg,and Botticini.Endogenous matching and the empirical determinants of contract form[J].Journal of Political E-conomy,2002,110:564-591.
[7]Laffont,and Matoussi.Moral hazard,financial constraints and sharecropping contract[J].Review of Economic Studies,1995,62:381-399.
[8]Hanssen.The effect of a technological shock on contract form:revenue sharing in movie exhibition and the coming ofsound[J].Economic Inquiry,2002,40:168-192.
[9]Bandiera.On the structure of tenancy contracts:theory and evidence from 19th century rural Sicily[R].CEPR DiscussionPaper No.3032,October 2001.
[10]Holmstrom,and Milgrom.Multi-task principal-agent analyses:incentive contracts,asset ownership,and job design[J].The Journal of Law,Economics&Organization,1991,7(Sep.):24-52.
[11]Slade.Multi-task agency and contract choice:an empirical exploration[J].International Economic Review,1996,37:465-486.
[12]Joskow.Contract duration and relationship-specific investments:empirical evidence from coal markets[J].American E-conomic Review,1987,77:168-185.
[13]Monteverde,and Teece.Supplier switching costs and vertical integration in the automobile industry[J].Bell Journal ofEconomics,1982,13:206-213.
[14]Croker,and Renolds.The efficiency of incomplete contracts:an empirical analysis of air force engine procurement[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1993,24:126-146.
[15]Hubbard,and Weiner.How wide is the scope of hold-up-based theories?contractual form and market thickness in truc-king[R].NBER Working Papers No.7347,September 1999.
[16]Dionne,and Doherty.Adverse selection,commitment and renegotiation:extension to and evidence from insurance markets[J].Journal of Political Economy,1994,102:210-235.
[17]Margiotta,and Miller.Managerial compensation and the cost of moral hazard[J].International Economic Review,2000,(41):669-719.
[18]Harris,and Holmstrom.A theory of wage dynamic[J].Review of Economic Studies,1982,49:315-333.
[19]Chiappori,Salanie,and Valentin.Early starters vs.late beginners[J].Journal of Political Economy,1999,107:731-760.
[20]Hendel,and Lizzeri.The role of commitment in dynamic contracts:evidence from life insurance[R].NBER Working Pa-pers No.7470,January 2000.
魏光兴, 蒲勇健. 合约计量经济学研究综述[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2006, 28(3): 1–7.