外国经济与管理 2005 年 第 27 卷第 08 期, 页码:47 - 54
[1]Ritter,J,and I Welch. Areviewof IPOactivity,pricing and allocations[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(4):1795-1828.
[2]Ibbotson,R,and J F Jaffe ." Hot issue" markets[J].Journal of Finance,1975,30(4):1027-1042.
[3]Lowry,Michelle,and G WilliamSchwert .IPO market cycles:bubbles or sequential learning?[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(3):1171-1200.
[4]Dorn,D. Does senti ment drive the retail demand for IPOs[R]. http://www1.fee .uva .nl/f m/PAPERS/Dorn .pdf,2003:1-48.
[5]Ibbotson,R,J .Sindelar,and J Ritter . The market's problems withthe pricing of initial public offerings[J].Journal ofApplied Corporate Finance,1994,7(1):66-74.
[6]Brailsford,T,R Heaney,J Powell,and J Shi . Hot and coldIPO markets:identification using a regi me switching model[J]. Multinational Finance Journal,2000,4(1-2):35-68.
[7]Ritter,J R. The "hot issue" market of 1980[J].Journal of Business,1984,57(2):215-240.
[8]Loughran,Ti m,and Jay Ritter . Why has IPOunderprici mg changed over ti me?[J].Financial Management,2004,33(3):5-38.
[9]Lowry,M. Why does IPO volume fluctuate so much?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2003,67(1):3-40.
[10]Myers,S. Determinants of corporate borrowing[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1977,5(2):147-175.
[11]Myers,S,and Majluf,N.Corporate financing andinvest ment decisions when firms have information that investors donot have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-221.
[12]Benveniste,L M,W Y Busaba,and WJ Wilhel m.Information externalities in pri mary equity markets[J].Journal ofFinancial Intermediation,2002,11(1):61-86.
[13]Benveniste,L Mand P A Spindt . Howinvest ment bankers determine the offer price and allocation of newissues[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1989,24(2):343-362.
[14]Benveniste,L M,AP Ljungqvist,WJ Wilhel m,and X Yu .Evidence of information spilloversin the production of in-vest ment banking services[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(2):577-608.
[15]Ritter,J R. The long-run performance of initial public offerings[J].Journal of Finance,1991,46(1):3-28.
[16]Miller,E M. Risk,uncertainlty and divergence of opinion[J].Journal of Finance,1977,32(4):1151-1168.
[17]Ljungqvist,A P,V Nanda and R Singh. Hot markets,investor senti ment,and IPO pricing[R].http://www.csom.umn .edu/Assets/8703.pdf,2003:1-45.
[18]Ljungqvist,AP and WJ Wilhel m.IPOpricingin the dot-combubble[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(2):723-752.
[19]Rajan,Rand Servaes,H. The effect of market conditions oninitial public offerings[R].http://faculty .london .edu/hservaes/ mktconditions .pdf,2002:1-44.
[20]Oehler,Andreas,Marco Rummer and Peter N Smith.IPO pricing and the relative i mportance of investor senti ment:evidence from Germany[R].http://www.f ma .org/Chicago/Papers/FMA_IPO-Pricing .pdf,2004:1-49.
[21]Derrien,F.IPOpricingin "hot" market conditions:wholeaves money onthe table?[J].Journal of Finance,2005,60(1):487-521.
[22]Cornelli,F and D Goldreich. Investor senti ment and pre-issue markets[R]. http://www.afajof .org/pdfs/2005program/ UPDF/P748_Corporate_Finance .pdf,2004:1-48.
[23]DeLong,J B,AShleifer,L Summers,and RJ Waldmann .Positive feedbackinvest ment strategies and destabilizing ra-tional speculation[J].Journal of Finance,1990,45(2):375-395.
[24]Welch,Ivo .Sequential sales,learning and cascades[J].Journal of Finance,1992,47(2):695-732.
[2]Ibbotson,R,and J F Jaffe ." Hot issue" markets[J].Journal of Finance,1975,30(4):1027-1042.
[3]Lowry,Michelle,and G WilliamSchwert .IPO market cycles:bubbles or sequential learning?[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(3):1171-1200.
[4]Dorn,D. Does senti ment drive the retail demand for IPOs[R]. http://www1.fee .uva .nl/f m/PAPERS/Dorn .pdf,2003:1-48.
[5]Ibbotson,R,J .Sindelar,and J Ritter . The market's problems withthe pricing of initial public offerings[J].Journal ofApplied Corporate Finance,1994,7(1):66-74.
[6]Brailsford,T,R Heaney,J Powell,and J Shi . Hot and coldIPO markets:identification using a regi me switching model[J]. Multinational Finance Journal,2000,4(1-2):35-68.
[7]Ritter,J R. The "hot issue" market of 1980[J].Journal of Business,1984,57(2):215-240.
[8]Loughran,Ti m,and Jay Ritter . Why has IPOunderprici mg changed over ti me?[J].Financial Management,2004,33(3):5-38.
[9]Lowry,M. Why does IPO volume fluctuate so much?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2003,67(1):3-40.
[10]Myers,S. Determinants of corporate borrowing[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1977,5(2):147-175.
[11]Myers,S,and Majluf,N.Corporate financing andinvest ment decisions when firms have information that investors donot have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-221.
[12]Benveniste,L M,W Y Busaba,and WJ Wilhel m.Information externalities in pri mary equity markets[J].Journal ofFinancial Intermediation,2002,11(1):61-86.
[13]Benveniste,L Mand P A Spindt . Howinvest ment bankers determine the offer price and allocation of newissues[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1989,24(2):343-362.
[14]Benveniste,L M,AP Ljungqvist,WJ Wilhel m,and X Yu .Evidence of information spilloversin the production of in-vest ment banking services[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(2):577-608.
[15]Ritter,J R. The long-run performance of initial public offerings[J].Journal of Finance,1991,46(1):3-28.
[16]Miller,E M. Risk,uncertainlty and divergence of opinion[J].Journal of Finance,1977,32(4):1151-1168.
[17]Ljungqvist,A P,V Nanda and R Singh. Hot markets,investor senti ment,and IPO pricing[R].http://www.csom.umn .edu/Assets/8703.pdf,2003:1-45.
[18]Ljungqvist,AP and WJ Wilhel m.IPOpricingin the dot-combubble[J].Journal of Finance,2003,58(2):723-752.
[19]Rajan,Rand Servaes,H. The effect of market conditions oninitial public offerings[R].http://faculty .london .edu/hservaes/ mktconditions .pdf,2002:1-44.
[20]Oehler,Andreas,Marco Rummer and Peter N Smith.IPO pricing and the relative i mportance of investor senti ment:evidence from Germany[R].http://www.f ma .org/Chicago/Papers/FMA_IPO-Pricing .pdf,2004:1-49.
[21]Derrien,F.IPOpricingin "hot" market conditions:wholeaves money onthe table?[J].Journal of Finance,2005,60(1):487-521.
[22]Cornelli,F and D Goldreich. Investor senti ment and pre-issue markets[R]. http://www.afajof .org/pdfs/2005program/ UPDF/P748_Corporate_Finance .pdf,2004:1-48.
[23]DeLong,J B,AShleifer,L Summers,and RJ Waldmann .Positive feedbackinvest ment strategies and destabilizing ra-tional speculation[J].Journal of Finance,1990,45(2):375-395.
[24]Welch,Ivo .Sequential sales,learning and cascades[J].Journal of Finance,1992,47(2):695-732.
汪宜霞, 夏新平, 唐康德. 新股发行市场理性与非理性时序波动研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2005, 27(8): 47–54.