外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 06 期, 页码:32 - 41
[1]Adner R and Kapoor R.Value creation in innovation ecosystems:How the structure of technological interdependence affects firm performance in new technology generations[J].Strategic Management Journal,2010,31(3):306-333.
[2]Alt R and Zimmerman H D.Introduction to special section on business models[J].Electronic Markets,2001,11(1):3-9.
[3]Anderson J C,et al.Customer value propositions in business markets[J].Harvard Business Review,2006,84(3):91-99.
[4]Applegate L M.Emerging e-business models[J].Harvard Business Review,2001,79(1):79-87.
[5]Brandenburger A J and Nalebuff B J.Co-opetition[M].New York:Doubleday,1996.
[6]Bridoux F,et al.Heterogeneous motives and the collective creation of value[J].Academy of Management Review,2011,36(4):711-730.
[7]Casadesus-Masanell R and Llanes G.Mixed source[J].Management Science,2011,57(7):1212-1230.
[8]Casadesus-Masanell R and Ricart J E.From strategy to business models and onto tactics[J].Long Range Planning,2010,43(2/3):195-215.
[9]Casadesus-Masanell R and Ricart J E.How to design a winning business model[J].Harvard Business Review,2011,89(1/2):101-107.
[10]Casadesus-Masanell R and Zhu F.Business model innovation and competitive imitation:The case of Sponsor-based business models[J].Strategic Management Journal,2013,34(4):464-482.
[11]Ceccagnoli M and Jiang L.The cost of integrating external technologies:Supply and demand drivers of value creation in the markets for technology[J].Strategic Management Journal,2013,34(4):404-425.
[12]Chatain O.Value creation,competition,and performance in buyer-supplier relationships[J].Strategic Management Journal,2010,32(1):76-102.
[13]Chesbrough H W,et al.Business models for technology in the developing world:The role of non-governmental organizations[J].California Management Review,2006,48(3):48-61.
[14]Chesbrough H W.Why companies should have open business models?[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2007,48(2):22-28.
[15]Chesbrough H.Business model innovation:Opportunities and barriers[J].Long Range Planning,2010,43(2/3):354-363.
[16]Demil B and Lecocq X.Business model evolution:In search of dynamic consistency[J].Long Range Planning,2010,43(2/3):227-246.
[17]Desyllasa P and Sako M.Profiting from business model innovation:Evidence from Pay-As-You—Drive auto insurance[J].Research Policy,2013,42(1):101-116.
[18]FjeldstadΦD and Ketels C H M.Competitive advantage and the value network configuration[J].Long Range Planning,2006,39(2):109-131.
[19]Freeman R E,et al.Stakeholder theory and‘the corporate objective revisited’[J].Organization Science,2004,15(3):364-369.
[20]Gambardella A and McGahan A M.Business-Model innovation:General purpose technologies and their implications for industry structure[J].Long Range Planning,2010,43(2/3):262-271.
[2]Alt R and Zimmerman H D.Introduction to special section on business models[J].Electronic Markets,2001,11(1):3-9.
[3]Anderson J C,et al.Customer value propositions in business markets[J].Harvard Business Review,2006,84(3):91-99.
[4]Applegate L M.Emerging e-business models[J].Harvard Business Review,2001,79(1):79-87.
[5]Brandenburger A J and Nalebuff B J.Co-opetition[M].New York:Doubleday,1996.
[6]Bridoux F,et al.Heterogeneous motives and the collective creation of value[J].Academy of Management Review,2011,36(4):711-730.
[7]Casadesus-Masanell R and Llanes G.Mixed source[J].Management Science,2011,57(7):1212-1230.
[8]Casadesus-Masanell R and Ricart J E.From strategy to business models and onto tactics[J].Long Range Planning,2010,43(2/3):195-215.
[9]Casadesus-Masanell R and Ricart J E.How to design a winning business model[J].Harvard Business Review,2011,89(1/2):101-107.
[10]Casadesus-Masanell R and Zhu F.Business model innovation and competitive imitation:The case of Sponsor-based business models[J].Strategic Management Journal,2013,34(4):464-482.
[11]Ceccagnoli M and Jiang L.The cost of integrating external technologies:Supply and demand drivers of value creation in the markets for technology[J].Strategic Management Journal,2013,34(4):404-425.
[12]Chatain O.Value creation,competition,and performance in buyer-supplier relationships[J].Strategic Management Journal,2010,32(1):76-102.
[13]Chesbrough H W,et al.Business models for technology in the developing world:The role of non-governmental organizations[J].California Management Review,2006,48(3):48-61.
[14]Chesbrough H W.Why companies should have open business models?[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2007,48(2):22-28.
[15]Chesbrough H.Business model innovation:Opportunities and barriers[J].Long Range Planning,2010,43(2/3):354-363.
[16]Demil B and Lecocq X.Business model evolution:In search of dynamic consistency[J].Long Range Planning,2010,43(2/3):227-246.
[17]Desyllasa P and Sako M.Profiting from business model innovation:Evidence from Pay-As-You—Drive auto insurance[J].Research Policy,2013,42(1):101-116.
[18]FjeldstadΦD and Ketels C H M.Competitive advantage and the value network configuration[J].Long Range Planning,2006,39(2):109-131.
[19]Freeman R E,et al.Stakeholder theory and‘the corporate objective revisited’[J].Organization Science,2004,15(3):364-369.
[20]Gambardella A and McGahan A M.Business-Model innovation:General purpose technologies and their implications for industry structure[J].Long Range Planning,2010,43(2/3):262-271.
项国鹏, 杨卓, 罗兴武. 价值创造视角下的商业模式研究回顾与理论框架构建——基于扎根思想的编码与提炼[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(6): 32–41.