外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 11 期, 页码:27 - 34
[1]Arvey R D,et al.The determinants of leadership role occu-pancy:Genetic and personality factors[J].Leadership Quar-terly,2006,17(1):1-20.
[2]Balthazard P A,et al.Differentiating transformational and non-transformational leaders on the basis of neurological ima-ging[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):244-258.
[3]Bass B M and Bass R.Bass handbook of leadership:Theory,research,and managerial applications[M].New York:Free Press,2009.
[4]Blackwood N,et al.Self-responsibility and the self-serving bias:An fMRI investigation of causal attributions[J].NeuroImage,2003,20(2):1076-1085.
[5]Boyatzis R E,et al.Examination of the neural substrates acti-vated in memories of experiences with resonant and dissonant leaders[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):259-272.
[6]Cacioppo J T,et al.Just because you’re imaging the brain doesn’t mean you can stop using your head:A primer and set of first principles[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psy-chology,2003,85(4):650-661.
[7]Caria A,et al.Regulation of anterior insular cortex activity u-sing real-time fMRI[J].NeuroImage,2007,35(3):1238-1246.
[8]Chaturvedi S,et al.The heritability of emergent leadership:Age and gender as moderating factors[J].Leadership Quarter-ly,2012,23(2):219-232.
[9]Coates J M and Herbert J.Endogenous steroids and financial risk taking on a London trading floor[R].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2008.
[10]Eisenegger C,et al.The role of testosterone in social interac-tion[J].Trends in Cognitive Sciences,2011,15(6):263-271.
[11]Glimcher P W.Decisions,uncertainty,and the brain:The science of neuroeconomics[M].Cambridge,Mass.:MIT Press,2003.
[12]Hsu M,et al.Neural systems responding to degrees of un-certainty in human decision-making[J].Science,2005,310(5754):1680-1683.
[13]Johnson A M,et al.A behavior genetic investigation of the relationship between leadership and personality[J].Twin Research,2004,7(1):27-32.
[14]Li W D,et al.Do leadership role occupancy and transforma-tional leadership share the same genetic and environmental influences?[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):233-243.
[15]Lieberman M D.Social cognitive neuroscience:A review of core processes[J].Annual Review of Psychology,2007,58(1):259-289.
[16]Mehta P H and Josephs R A.Testosterone and cortisol jointly regulate dominance:Evidence for a dual-hormone hy-pothesis[J].Hormones and Behavior,2010,58(5):898-906.
[17]Pascual-Leone A,et al.The plastic human brain cortex[J].Annual Review of Neuroscience,2005,28(1):377-402.
[18]Perry F D,et al.Biofeedback and neurofeedback in sports[J].Biofeedback,2011,39(3):95-100.
[19]Peterson S J,et al.Neuroscientific implications of psycholo-gical capital:Are the brains of optimistic,hopeful,confident,and resilient leaders different?[J].Organizational Dynam-ics,2008,37(4):342-353.
[20]Ringleb A and Rock D.The emerging field of neuroleader-ship[J].NeuroLeadership Journal,2008,1(1):3-19.
[21]Rock D and Schwartz J.The neuroscience of leadership[J].Strategy+Business,2006,43(May):71-81.
[22]Rule N O,et al.Face value:Amygdala response reflects the validity of first impressions[J].NeuroImage,2011,54(1):734-741.
[23]Senior C,et al.Organizational cognitive neuroscience[J].Organization Science,2011,22(3):804-815.
[24]Senior C,et al.Developmental stability and leadership effec-tiveness[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):281-291.
[25]Spisak B R,et al.Facing the situation:Testing a biosocial contingency model of leadership in intergroup relations using masculine and feminine faces[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):273-280.
[26]Thatcher R W,et al.Quantitative EEG normative databa-ses:Validation and clinical correlation[J].Journal of Neuro-therapy,2003,7(3):87-121.
[27]Waldman D A,et al.Social cognitive neuroscience and leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(6):1092-1106.
[28]Waldman D A,et al.Leadership and neuroscience[J].Academy of Management Perspectives,2011,25(1):60-74.
[29]Zak P J,et al.Oxytocin increases generosity in humans[J].PLoS One,2007,2(11):e1128.
[30]Zoefel B,et al.Neurofeedback training of the upper alpha frequency band in EEG improves cognitive performance[J].NeuroImage,2011,54(2):1427-1431.
[2]Balthazard P A,et al.Differentiating transformational and non-transformational leaders on the basis of neurological ima-ging[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):244-258.
[3]Bass B M and Bass R.Bass handbook of leadership:Theory,research,and managerial applications[M].New York:Free Press,2009.
[4]Blackwood N,et al.Self-responsibility and the self-serving bias:An fMRI investigation of causal attributions[J].NeuroImage,2003,20(2):1076-1085.
[5]Boyatzis R E,et al.Examination of the neural substrates acti-vated in memories of experiences with resonant and dissonant leaders[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):259-272.
[6]Cacioppo J T,et al.Just because you’re imaging the brain doesn’t mean you can stop using your head:A primer and set of first principles[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psy-chology,2003,85(4):650-661.
[7]Caria A,et al.Regulation of anterior insular cortex activity u-sing real-time fMRI[J].NeuroImage,2007,35(3):1238-1246.
[8]Chaturvedi S,et al.The heritability of emergent leadership:Age and gender as moderating factors[J].Leadership Quarter-ly,2012,23(2):219-232.
[9]Coates J M and Herbert J.Endogenous steroids and financial risk taking on a London trading floor[R].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2008.
[10]Eisenegger C,et al.The role of testosterone in social interac-tion[J].Trends in Cognitive Sciences,2011,15(6):263-271.
[11]Glimcher P W.Decisions,uncertainty,and the brain:The science of neuroeconomics[M].Cambridge,Mass.:MIT Press,2003.
[12]Hsu M,et al.Neural systems responding to degrees of un-certainty in human decision-making[J].Science,2005,310(5754):1680-1683.
[13]Johnson A M,et al.A behavior genetic investigation of the relationship between leadership and personality[J].Twin Research,2004,7(1):27-32.
[14]Li W D,et al.Do leadership role occupancy and transforma-tional leadership share the same genetic and environmental influences?[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):233-243.
[15]Lieberman M D.Social cognitive neuroscience:A review of core processes[J].Annual Review of Psychology,2007,58(1):259-289.
[16]Mehta P H and Josephs R A.Testosterone and cortisol jointly regulate dominance:Evidence for a dual-hormone hy-pothesis[J].Hormones and Behavior,2010,58(5):898-906.
[17]Pascual-Leone A,et al.The plastic human brain cortex[J].Annual Review of Neuroscience,2005,28(1):377-402.
[18]Perry F D,et al.Biofeedback and neurofeedback in sports[J].Biofeedback,2011,39(3):95-100.
[19]Peterson S J,et al.Neuroscientific implications of psycholo-gical capital:Are the brains of optimistic,hopeful,confident,and resilient leaders different?[J].Organizational Dynam-ics,2008,37(4):342-353.
[20]Ringleb A and Rock D.The emerging field of neuroleader-ship[J].NeuroLeadership Journal,2008,1(1):3-19.
[21]Rock D and Schwartz J.The neuroscience of leadership[J].Strategy+Business,2006,43(May):71-81.
[22]Rule N O,et al.Face value:Amygdala response reflects the validity of first impressions[J].NeuroImage,2011,54(1):734-741.
[23]Senior C,et al.Organizational cognitive neuroscience[J].Organization Science,2011,22(3):804-815.
[24]Senior C,et al.Developmental stability and leadership effec-tiveness[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):281-291.
[25]Spisak B R,et al.Facing the situation:Testing a biosocial contingency model of leadership in intergroup relations using masculine and feminine faces[J].Leadership Quarterly,2012,23(2):273-280.
[26]Thatcher R W,et al.Quantitative EEG normative databa-ses:Validation and clinical correlation[J].Journal of Neuro-therapy,2003,7(3):87-121.
[27]Waldman D A,et al.Social cognitive neuroscience and leadership[J].Leadership Quarterly,2011,22(6):1092-1106.
[28]Waldman D A,et al.Leadership and neuroscience[J].Academy of Management Perspectives,2011,25(1):60-74.
[29]Zak P J,et al.Oxytocin increases generosity in humans[J].PLoS One,2007,2(11):e1128.
[30]Zoefel B,et al.Neurofeedback training of the upper alpha frequency band in EEG improves cognitive performance[J].NeuroImage,2011,54(2):1427-1431.
谢晔, 霍国庆. 神经领导学研究进展述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(11): 27–34.