外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 09 期, 页码:7 - 14
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[6]Dawkins R.Universal Darwinism[A].Bendall D S(Ed.).Evolution from molecules to man[C].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1983:403-425.
[7]Dennett D C.Darwin’s dangerous idea:Evolution and the meanings of life[M].London:Allen Lane,1995.
[8]Dewey J.The influence of Darwin on philosophy and other es-says in contemporary philosophy[M].New York:Holt,1910.
[9]Dobrev S D,et al.Dynamics of niche width and resource parti-tioning[J].American Journal of Sociology,2001,106(5):1299-1337.
[10]Foster J.The analytical foundations of evolutionary econo-mics:From biological analogy to economic self-organization[J].Structural Change and Economic Dynamics,1997,8(1):427-451.
[11]Freeman R E.Strategic management:A stakeholder approach[M].Boston:Pittman,1984.
[12]Hart S.A natural resource-based view of the firm[J].Acade-my of Management Review,1995,20(4):986-1014.
[13]Hart S,et al.Beyond greening:Strategies for sustainable world[J].Harvard Business Review,1997,75(1):66-76.
[14]Hannon B.The use of analogy in biology and economics from biology to economics,and back[J].Structural Change and E-conomic Dynamics,1997,8(4):471-488.
[15]Hannan M T,et al.Organizational ecology[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1989.
[16]Hodgson G M.Darwinism in economics:From analogy to on-tology[J].Journal of Evolutionary Economics,2002,12(1):259-281.
[17]Hodgson G M.Economics and evolution:Bringing life back into economics[M].Cambridge,UK,Ann Arbor,MI:Polity Press and University of Michigan Press,1993.
[18]Hodgson G M,et al.Why we need a generalized Darwinism,and why generalized Darwinism is not enough[J].Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization,2006,61(1):1-19.
[19]Hull D L.Science as a process:An evolutionary account of the social and conceptual development of science[J].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1988.
[20]Iansiti M and Levien R.Strategy as ecology[J].Harvard Business Review,2004,82(3):68-78,126.
[21]Knudsen T.General selection theory and economic evolu-tion:The price equation and the replicator/interactor distinc-tion[J].Journal of Economic Methodology,2004,11(1):147-173.
[22]Mayr E.How biology differs from the physical sciences[A].Depew D J and Weber B H(Eds.).Evolution at a crossroads:The new biology and the new philosophy of science[C].Cam-bridge,MA:MIT Press,1985:43-63.
[23]Mayr E.Toward a new philosophy of biology:Observations of an evolutionist[M].Cambridge,MA,London:Harvard U-niversity Press,1988.
[24]Mayr E.One long argument:Charles Darwin and the genesis of modern evolutionary thought[M].London:Allen Lane,1992.
[25]Moore J F.The death of competition:Leadership and strate-gy in the age of business ecosystems[M].Nueva York,EUA:Harper Collins,1997.
[26]Penrose E T.Biological analogies in the theory of the firm[J].American Economic Review,1952,42(5):804-819.
[27]Price G R.The nature of selection[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,1995,175(3):389-396.
[28]Ramstad Y.On the nature of economic evolution:John R Commons and the metaphor of artificial selection[A].Mag-nusson L(Ed.).Evolutionary and neo-Schumpeterian approa-ches to economics[C].Boston:Kluwer,1994:65-121.
[29]Rosenberg A.Does evolutionary theory give comfort or inspi-ration to economics?[A].Mirowski P(Ed.).Natural ima-ges in economic thought:Markets read in tooth and claw[C].New York:Cambridge University Press,1994:384-407.
[30]Stead J G,et al.Eco-enterprise strategy:Standing for sus-tainability[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2000,24(2):313-329.
[2]von Bertalanffy L.General systems theory:Foundation develo-pment applications[M].London:Allen Lane,1971.
[3]Burgelman R A.Intra-organizational ecology of strategy making and organizational adaptation:Theory and field research[J].Organization Science,1991,2(3):239-262.
[4]Commons J R.Legal foundations of capitalism[M].New York:Macmillan,1924.
[5]Copeland M A.Commons’s institutionalism in relation to the problem of social evolution and economic planning[J].Quar-terly Journal of Economics1936,50(2):333-346.
[6]Dawkins R.Universal Darwinism[A].Bendall D S(Ed.).Evolution from molecules to man[C].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1983:403-425.
[7]Dennett D C.Darwin’s dangerous idea:Evolution and the meanings of life[M].London:Allen Lane,1995.
[8]Dewey J.The influence of Darwin on philosophy and other es-says in contemporary philosophy[M].New York:Holt,1910.
[9]Dobrev S D,et al.Dynamics of niche width and resource parti-tioning[J].American Journal of Sociology,2001,106(5):1299-1337.
[10]Foster J.The analytical foundations of evolutionary econo-mics:From biological analogy to economic self-organization[J].Structural Change and Economic Dynamics,1997,8(1):427-451.
[11]Freeman R E.Strategic management:A stakeholder approach[M].Boston:Pittman,1984.
[12]Hart S.A natural resource-based view of the firm[J].Acade-my of Management Review,1995,20(4):986-1014.
[13]Hart S,et al.Beyond greening:Strategies for sustainable world[J].Harvard Business Review,1997,75(1):66-76.
[14]Hannon B.The use of analogy in biology and economics from biology to economics,and back[J].Structural Change and E-conomic Dynamics,1997,8(4):471-488.
[15]Hannan M T,et al.Organizational ecology[M].Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1989.
[16]Hodgson G M.Darwinism in economics:From analogy to on-tology[J].Journal of Evolutionary Economics,2002,12(1):259-281.
[17]Hodgson G M.Economics and evolution:Bringing life back into economics[M].Cambridge,UK,Ann Arbor,MI:Polity Press and University of Michigan Press,1993.
[18]Hodgson G M,et al.Why we need a generalized Darwinism,and why generalized Darwinism is not enough[J].Journal of Economic Behavior&Organization,2006,61(1):1-19.
[19]Hull D L.Science as a process:An evolutionary account of the social and conceptual development of science[J].Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1988.
[20]Iansiti M and Levien R.Strategy as ecology[J].Harvard Business Review,2004,82(3):68-78,126.
[21]Knudsen T.General selection theory and economic evolu-tion:The price equation and the replicator/interactor distinc-tion[J].Journal of Economic Methodology,2004,11(1):147-173.
[22]Mayr E.How biology differs from the physical sciences[A].Depew D J and Weber B H(Eds.).Evolution at a crossroads:The new biology and the new philosophy of science[C].Cam-bridge,MA:MIT Press,1985:43-63.
[23]Mayr E.Toward a new philosophy of biology:Observations of an evolutionist[M].Cambridge,MA,London:Harvard U-niversity Press,1988.
[24]Mayr E.One long argument:Charles Darwin and the genesis of modern evolutionary thought[M].London:Allen Lane,1992.
[25]Moore J F.The death of competition:Leadership and strate-gy in the age of business ecosystems[M].Nueva York,EUA:Harper Collins,1997.
[26]Penrose E T.Biological analogies in the theory of the firm[J].American Economic Review,1952,42(5):804-819.
[27]Price G R.The nature of selection[J].Journal of Theoretical Biology,1995,175(3):389-396.
[28]Ramstad Y.On the nature of economic evolution:John R Commons and the metaphor of artificial selection[A].Mag-nusson L(Ed.).Evolutionary and neo-Schumpeterian approa-ches to economics[C].Boston:Kluwer,1994:65-121.
[29]Rosenberg A.Does evolutionary theory give comfort or inspi-ration to economics?[A].Mirowski P(Ed.).Natural ima-ges in economic thought:Markets read in tooth and claw[C].New York:Cambridge University Press,1994:384-407.
[30]Stead J G,et al.Eco-enterprise strategy:Standing for sus-tainability[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2000,24(2):313-329.
覃巍. 企业成长理论中的生物学类比研究回顾与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(9): 7–14.