财经研究 2008 年 第 34 卷第 09 期, 页码:92 - 101
[1][美]Obstfeld M,K Rogoff.高级国际金融学教程——国际宏观经济学微观基础[M].北京:中国金融出版社,2002.
[2]Asdrubali P,B Sφrenson,O Yosha.Channels of interstate risk sharing:United States1963-1990[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1996,11:1081-1110.
[3]Cole H L,Obstfeld M.Commodity trade and international risk sharing:How much dofinancial markets matter?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1991,28:3-24.
[4]Jeon Jongkyon,Oh Yonghyup,Yang Dooyong.Financial market integration in EastAsia:Regional or lobal?[R].AEP conference paper,2005.
[5]Kim Soyoung,Sunghyun H Kim,Yunjong Wang.Financial integration and consump-tion risk sharing in East Asia[R].KIEP WP 03-13,2003.
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[7]Mélitz J,F Zumer.Interregional and international risk sharing and lessons for EMU[J].Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy,1999,51:149-188.
[8]Mendoza E.The terms of trade,the real exchange rate and economic fluctuations[J].International Economic Review,1995,36:101-137.
[9]Obstfeld M.International capital mobility in the 1990s[A].P B Kenen.Understandinginterdependence[C].Princeton University Press,Princeton,1995:201-261.
[10]Sφrenson B,O Yosha.International risk sharing and European monetary unification[J].Journal of International Economics,1998,45:211-238.
[11]Tesar L L,Werner I M.Home bias and high turnover[J].Journal of InternationalMoney and Finance,1995,14:467-492.
[12]van Wincoop E.Welfare gains from international risk sharing[J].Journal of MonetaryEconomics,1994,34:175-200.
[13]van Wincoop E.How big are potential welfare gains from international risk sharing?[J].Journal of International Economics,1999,47:109-135.
③van Wincoop,1999,P116。
[2]Asdrubali P,B Sφrenson,O Yosha.Channels of interstate risk sharing:United States1963-1990[J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics,1996,11:1081-1110.
[3]Cole H L,Obstfeld M.Commodity trade and international risk sharing:How much dofinancial markets matter?[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1991,28:3-24.
[4]Jeon Jongkyon,Oh Yonghyup,Yang Dooyong.Financial market integration in EastAsia:Regional or lobal?[R].AEP conference paper,2005.
[5]Kim Soyoung,Sunghyun H Kim,Yunjong Wang.Financial integration and consump-tion risk sharing in East Asia[R].KIEP WP 03-13,2003.
[6]Lucas R E.Models of business cycles[M].Blackwell,Oxford,1987.
[7]Mélitz J,F Zumer.Interregional and international risk sharing and lessons for EMU[J].Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy,1999,51:149-188.
[8]Mendoza E.The terms of trade,the real exchange rate and economic fluctuations[J].International Economic Review,1995,36:101-137.
[9]Obstfeld M.International capital mobility in the 1990s[A].P B Kenen.Understandinginterdependence[C].Princeton University Press,Princeton,1995:201-261.
[10]Sφrenson B,O Yosha.International risk sharing and European monetary unification[J].Journal of International Economics,1998,45:211-238.
[11]Tesar L L,Werner I M.Home bias and high turnover[J].Journal of InternationalMoney and Finance,1995,14:467-492.
[12]van Wincoop E.Welfare gains from international risk sharing[J].Journal of MonetaryEconomics,1994,34:175-200.
[13]van Wincoop E.How big are potential welfare gains from international risk sharing?[J].Journal of International Economics,1999,47:109-135.
③van Wincoop,1999,P116。
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