财经研究 2007 年 第 33 卷第 06 期, 页码:5 - 18
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[7]Haskel E,Pereira C,Slrughter J.Does inward foreign direct invest ment boost the pro-ductivity of domestic firms?[J].National Bureau of Economic Research,No.8724,2002.
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[9]Kokko A,Zejan M.Productivity spillovers from FDI in the Uruguayan manufacturingsector[J].Journal of Development Studies,1996,32(4):602~611.
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[11]Prencipe A.Technological competencies and a product’s evolutionary dynamics:Acase study fromthe aero-engine industry[J].Research Policy,1997,25(8):1261~1276.
[2]Caves R E.Multinational firms,competition and productivity in host-country markets[J].Economica,1974,(41):176~193.
[3]Cesare I,Filippo R.Productivity spillover and regional differences:Some evidence onthe Italian manufacturing sector.Centro Di Economica Dellavoro Edi Politica Economi-ca.Discusion Paper 48,1999.
[4]Cheung K Y,Lin P.Spillover effects of FDI oninnovationin China:Evidence frompro-vincial data[J].China Economic Review,2004,15(1):25~44.
[5]Di melis S,Louri H.Foreign ownership and production efficiency:A quantile regressionanalysis[J].Oxford Economic Paper,2002,54(3):449~469.
[6]Haddad M,A Harrison.Are there positive spillovers from direct foreign invest ment?Evidence frompanel data for Morocco[J].Journal of Development Economics,1993,42(1):51~74.
[7]Haskel E,Pereira C,Slrughter J.Does inward foreign direct invest ment boost the pro-ductivity of domestic firms?[J].National Bureau of Economic Research,No.8724,2002.
[8]Hausman J.Specification tests in economics[J].Econometrica,1978,46(6):1251~1271.
[9]Kokko A,Zejan M.Productivity spillovers from FDI in the Uruguayan manufacturingsector[J].Journal of Development Studies,1996,32(4):602~611.
[10]MacDougall G.The benefits and costs of privateinvest ment fromabroad:Atheoreticalapproach[J].Economic Record,1960,(36):13~35.
[11]Prencipe A.Technological competencies and a product’s evolutionary dynamics:Acase study fromthe aero-engine industry[J].Research Policy,1997,25(8):1261~1276.
薄文广. 外国直接投资对中国技术创新的影响——基于地区层面的研究[J]. 财经研究, 2007, 33(6): 5–18.