财经研究 2007 年 第 33 卷第 01 期, 页码:90 - 102
[7]Fjell K,Heywoo J S.Mixed oligopoly,subsidization and the order of firm’s moves:Therelevance of privatization[J]Economics Letters,2004,83,411~416.
[8]The Word Development Report·Frompalan to market[M].Oxford and New York:Ox-ford University Press,World Bank,1996.
[9]Dewatripont,Mathias,Maskin.Credit and effciency in centralized and decentralized eco-nomics[J].Reviewof Ecomomics Studies,1995,62(4):541~556.
[10]Segal I.Monopoly and soft budget constraints[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1998,29(3):596~609.
[11]Aghion P,O Blanchard.On the speed of transition in central[M]·Europe.National Bureau for Economic Research Macroeconomics Annual,1994,283~319.
[12]Dewatripont M,E Maskin.Credit and efficiencyin centralized and decentralized econo-mies[J].Rviewof Economic Studies,1995,62:541~555.
[13]Qian Y A.Theory of shortage in socialist economies based on the soft budget con-straint[J].American Econoi mic Review,1994,84:145~156.
[7]Fjell K,Heywoo J S.Mixed oligopoly,subsidization and the order of firm’s moves:Therelevance of privatization[J]Economics Letters,2004,83,411~416.
[8]The Word Development Report·Frompalan to market[M].Oxford and New York:Ox-ford University Press,World Bank,1996.
[9]Dewatripont,Mathias,Maskin.Credit and effciency in centralized and decentralized eco-nomics[J].Reviewof Ecomomics Studies,1995,62(4):541~556.
[10]Segal I.Monopoly and soft budget constraints[J].Rand Journal of Economics,1998,29(3):596~609.
[11]Aghion P,O Blanchard.On the speed of transition in central[M]·Europe.National Bureau for Economic Research Macroeconomics Annual,1994,283~319.
[12]Dewatripont M,E Maskin.Credit and efficiencyin centralized and decentralized econo-mies[J].Rviewof Economic Studies,1995,62:541~555.
[13]Qian Y A.Theory of shortage in socialist economies based on the soft budget con-straint[J].American Econoi mic Review,1994,84:145~156.
张晖, 倪桂萍. 转轨进程中国有企业改革与财政约束关系研究——补贴还是课税[J]. 财经研究, 2007, 33(1): 90–102.