财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 08 期, 页码:69 - 78
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[9]Defond ML,Hung M.Investor protection and corporation governance:Evidence fromworldwide CEOturnover[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42:269-312.
[10]Durnew A,Morck R,Yeung B,Zarowin P.Does greater firm-specific return variationmean more or less informed stock pricing?[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2003,41:797-836.
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[12]Gul F A,Ki m J B,Qiu A A.Ownership concentration,foreign shareholding,auditquality,and stock price synchronicity:Evidence from China[R].SSRN Working Pa-per,2009.
[13]Jin L,Myers.R2around the world:Newtheory and tests[J].Journal of Financial E-conomics,2006,79:257-292.
[14]King B F.Market andindustry factors in stock price behavior[J].Journal of Business1966,39:139-190.
[15]Morck R,Yeung B,Yu W.The information content of stock markets:Why do emer-ging markets have synchronous stock price movements?[J].Journal of Financial Eco-nomics,2000,58:215-260.
[16]Roll R.R2[J].Journal of Finance,1988,43:541-566.
[8]Chakravarty S.Stealth trading:Which traders’trades move stock price?[J].Journalof Financial Economics,2001,61:289-307.
[9]Defond ML,Hung M.Investor protection and corporation governance:Evidence fromworldwide CEOturnover[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42:269-312.
[10]Durnew A,Morck R,Yeung B,Zarowin P.Does greater firm-specific return variationmean more or less informed stock pricing?[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2003,41:797-836.
[11]Fama E F.Efficient capital markets:Areviewof theory and empirical work[J].Jour-nal of Finance,1970,25:383-417.
[12]Gul F A,Ki m J B,Qiu A A.Ownership concentration,foreign shareholding,auditquality,and stock price synchronicity:Evidence from China[R].SSRN Working Pa-per,2009.
[13]Jin L,Myers.R2around the world:Newtheory and tests[J].Journal of Financial E-conomics,2006,79:257-292.
[14]King B F.Market andindustry factors in stock price behavior[J].Journal of Business1966,39:139-190.
[15]Morck R,Yeung B,Yu W.The information content of stock markets:Why do emer-ging markets have synchronous stock price movements?[J].Journal of Financial Eco-nomics,2000,58:215-260.
[16]Roll R.R2[J].Journal of Finance,1988,43:541-566.
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