财经研究 2010 年 第 36 卷第 04 期, 页码:125 - 134
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[9]Sylvester C W Eijffinger.Why money talks and wealth whispers:Monetary uncertaintyand mystique[J].Journal of Money,Credit,and Banking,2000,(2):218-235.
[5]Ball L.Why does high inflation raise inflation uncertainty?[R].Working PaperNo.3224,1990,National Bureau of Economic Research.
[6]Dennis,Powers.Stochastic money demand and the inflation-uncertainty relationship[J].The Manchester School Supplement,1997,(25):59-68.
[7]Holland S.Uncertain effects of money and the link between the inflation rate and infla-tion uncertainty[J].Economic Inquiry,1993,(1):39-51.
[8]Ki m,Chang-Jin,et al.Sources of monetary growth uncertainty and economic activity:The ti me-varying-parameter model with heteroskedastic disturbances[J].The Reviewof Economics and Statistics,1993,(3):483-492.
[9]Sylvester C W Eijffinger.Why money talks and wealth whispers:Monetary uncertaintyand mystique[J].Journal of Money,Credit,and Banking,2000,(2):218-235.
苏梽芳, 胡日东. 货币增长不确定性与通货膨胀不确定性——“波动溢出”假说与实证检验[J]. 财经研究, 2010, 36(4): 125–134.