财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 12 期, 页码:109 - 119
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[7]Aboody D,Lev B.Information asymmetry,R&D,and insider gains[J].Journal of Fi-nance,2000,55:2747-2766.
[8]Amit R,Ding Y,Villalonga B,et al.The role of institutional development in the prev-alence and value of family firms[R].Working Paper,2009.
[9]Anderson R,Reeb D.Founding-family ownership,corporate diversification,and firmleverage[J].Journal of Law and Economics,2003,46:653-684.
[10]Chan L K C,Lakonishok J,Sougiannis T.The stock market valuation of research anddevelopment expenditures[J].Journal of Finance,2001,56:2431-2456.
[11]Chen S,Chen X,Cheng Q.Do Family firms provide more or less voluntary disclo-sure?[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2008,46:499-536.
[12]Fahlenbrach R.Founder-CEOs,investment decisions,and stock market performance[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,2009,44:439-466.
[13]Villalonga B,Amit R.How do family ownership,control,and management affectfirm value?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,80:385-417.
[14]Villalonga B,Amit R.Family control of firms and industries[J].Financial Manage-ment,2010,39:863-904.
陈德球, 钟昀珈. 制度效率、家族化途径与家族投资偏好[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(12): 109–119.