财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 09 期, 页码:39 - 49
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[10]Delfino D,Si mmons P J.Infectious disease and economic growth:The case of tubercu-losis[EB/OL].,2007.
[11]Ito T,Lin WL.Race to the center:Competition for the Nikkei 225 futures trade[J].Journal of Empirical Finance,2001,8(3):219-242.
[12]Karolyi A G.Why do companieslist shares abroad?Asurvey of the evidence andits manag-erial i mplications[J].Financial Markets,Institutions and Instruments,1998,7:1-60.
[13]Leslie P H.Astochastic model for studying the properties of certain biological systemby numerical methods[J].Biometrika,1958,45:16-31.
[14]Li Y,Greco J F,Chavis B.Lead-lag relations between Ashares and Hshares in theChinese stock markets[R].Working Paper,City University of Hong Kong,2000.
[15]Lotka AJ.Elements of physical biology[M].Philadelphia Williams and Wilkins Com-pany,1925.
[16]Modis T.Technological forecasting at the stock market[J].Technological Forecastingand Social Change,1999,62:173-202.
[17]Stulz R M.Globalization,corporate finance,and the cost of capital[J].Journal ofApplied Corporate Finance,1999,12:8-25.
[18]Volterra V.Variazionie efluttuazioni del numero d’individui in specie aninali convienti[J].Memorie Ricerca dell Academia Nazio-naledei Lincei Serie,1926,6(2):31-113.
[9]Coffee J C.Racing towards the top?The i mpact of cross-listings and stock market com-petition on international corporate governance[R].National Bureau of Economic Re-search,Working Paper 8538,2004.
[10]Delfino D,Si mmons P J.Infectious disease and economic growth:The case of tubercu-losis[EB/OL].,2007.
[11]Ito T,Lin WL.Race to the center:Competition for the Nikkei 225 futures trade[J].Journal of Empirical Finance,2001,8(3):219-242.
[12]Karolyi A G.Why do companieslist shares abroad?Asurvey of the evidence andits manag-erial i mplications[J].Financial Markets,Institutions and Instruments,1998,7:1-60.
[13]Leslie P H.Astochastic model for studying the properties of certain biological systemby numerical methods[J].Biometrika,1958,45:16-31.
[14]Li Y,Greco J F,Chavis B.Lead-lag relations between Ashares and Hshares in theChinese stock markets[R].Working Paper,City University of Hong Kong,2000.
[15]Lotka AJ.Elements of physical biology[M].Philadelphia Williams and Wilkins Com-pany,1925.
[16]Modis T.Technological forecasting at the stock market[J].Technological Forecastingand Social Change,1999,62:173-202.
[17]Stulz R M.Globalization,corporate finance,and the cost of capital[J].Journal ofApplied Corporate Finance,1999,12:8-25.
[18]Volterra V.Variazionie efluttuazioni del numero d’individui in specie aninali convienti[J].Memorie Ricerca dell Academia Nazio-naledei Lincei Serie,1926,6(2):31-113.
曹广喜, 徐龙炳. 香港和内地证券市场的动态竞争关系研究——基于A+H交叉上市公司的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(9): 39–49.