财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 03 期, 页码:20 - 30
[5]Anderloni L,Vandone D.Risk of over-indebtedness and behavioural factors[R].Uni-versita degli Studi di Milano,Working Paper No.25,2010.
[6]Barba A,Pivetti M.Rising household debt:Its causes and macroeconomic implications-along-period analysis[J].Cambridge Journal of Economics,2009,33(1):113-137.
[7]Barnes S,Yong G.The rise in US household debt:Assessing its causes and sustainability[R].Bank of England,Working Paper No.206,2003.
[8]Campbell J R,Hercowitz Z.The role of collateralized household debt in macroeconomicstabilization[R].NBER Working Paper,No.11330,2005...
[9]Campbell J R,Hercowitz Z.Welfare implications of the transition to high household debt[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2009,56(1):1-16.
[10]Cox P,Whitley J,Brierley P.Financial pressures in the UK household sector:Evidencefrom the British household panel survey[R].Bank of England,Quarterly Bulletin,2002,42(4):410-419.
[11]Crook J.The demand for household debt in the USA:Evidence from the 1995survey ofconsumer finance[J].Applied Financial Economics,2001,11(1):83-91.
[12]Crook J.The demand and supply of household debt:A cross country comparison[M].London:The MIT Press,2003.
[13]Crook J,Hochguertel S.Household debt and credit constraints:Comparative micro evi-dence from four OECD countries[R].University of Edinburgh,Working Paper SeriesNo.05,2007.
[14]Cynamon B Z,Fazzari S M.Household debt in the consumer age:Source of growth-riskof collapse[J].Capitalism and Society,2008,3(2).
[15]Debelle G.Macroeconomic implications of rising household debt[R].BIS WorkingPapers,No.153,2004.
[16]Dynan K E,Kohn D L.The rise in U.S.household indebtedness:Causes and conse-quences[R].FEDS Working Paper,No.37,2007.
[17]Fjaerli E.Tax reform and the demand for debt[J].International Tax and PublicFinance,2004,11(4):435-467.
[18]Hendershott P H,Pryce G.The sensitivity of homeowner leverage to the deductibilityof home mortgage interest[R].NBER Working Paper,No.11489,2005.
[19]Iacoviello M.Household debt and income inequality[J].Journal of Money,Credit andBanking,2008,40(5):929-965.
[20]Kennickell A B.Currents and undercurrents:Changes in the distribution of wealth,1989-2004[R].FEDS Working Paper,No.13,2006.
[21]Ling David C,Gary A McGill.Evidence on the demand for mortgage debt by owner-occupants[J].Journal of Urban Economics,1998,44(1):391-414.
[22]Lustig H N,Van Nieuwerburgh S G.Housing collateral,consumption insurance,andrisk premia:An empirical perspective[J].The Journal of Finance,2005,60(3):1167-1219.
[23]Rinaldi L,Sanchis-Arellano A.Household debt sustainability:What explains householdnon-performing loans?An empirical analysis[R].European Central Bank Working Pa-per,No.570,2006.
[24]Treeck T V.The macroeconomics of“financialisation”and the deeper origins of theworld economic crisis[R].Macroeconomic Policy Institute,Working Paper No.9,2009.
[5]Anderloni L,Vandone D.Risk of over-indebtedness and behavioural factors[R].Uni-versita degli Studi di Milano,Working Paper No.25,2010.
[6]Barba A,Pivetti M.Rising household debt:Its causes and macroeconomic implications-along-period analysis[J].Cambridge Journal of Economics,2009,33(1):113-137.
[7]Barnes S,Yong G.The rise in US household debt:Assessing its causes and sustainability[R].Bank of England,Working Paper No.206,2003.
[8]Campbell J R,Hercowitz Z.The role of collateralized household debt in macroeconomicstabilization[R].NBER Working Paper,No.11330,2005...
[9]Campbell J R,Hercowitz Z.Welfare implications of the transition to high household debt[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2009,56(1):1-16.
[10]Cox P,Whitley J,Brierley P.Financial pressures in the UK household sector:Evidencefrom the British household panel survey[R].Bank of England,Quarterly Bulletin,2002,42(4):410-419.
[11]Crook J.The demand for household debt in the USA:Evidence from the 1995survey ofconsumer finance[J].Applied Financial Economics,2001,11(1):83-91.
[12]Crook J.The demand and supply of household debt:A cross country comparison[M].London:The MIT Press,2003.
[13]Crook J,Hochguertel S.Household debt and credit constraints:Comparative micro evi-dence from four OECD countries[R].University of Edinburgh,Working Paper SeriesNo.05,2007.
[14]Cynamon B Z,Fazzari S M.Household debt in the consumer age:Source of growth-riskof collapse[J].Capitalism and Society,2008,3(2).
[15]Debelle G.Macroeconomic implications of rising household debt[R].BIS WorkingPapers,No.153,2004.
[16]Dynan K E,Kohn D L.The rise in U.S.household indebtedness:Causes and conse-quences[R].FEDS Working Paper,No.37,2007.
[17]Fjaerli E.Tax reform and the demand for debt[J].International Tax and PublicFinance,2004,11(4):435-467.
[18]Hendershott P H,Pryce G.The sensitivity of homeowner leverage to the deductibilityof home mortgage interest[R].NBER Working Paper,No.11489,2005.
[19]Iacoviello M.Household debt and income inequality[J].Journal of Money,Credit andBanking,2008,40(5):929-965.
[20]Kennickell A B.Currents and undercurrents:Changes in the distribution of wealth,1989-2004[R].FEDS Working Paper,No.13,2006.
[21]Ling David C,Gary A McGill.Evidence on the demand for mortgage debt by owner-occupants[J].Journal of Urban Economics,1998,44(1):391-414.
[22]Lustig H N,Van Nieuwerburgh S G.Housing collateral,consumption insurance,andrisk premia:An empirical perspective[J].The Journal of Finance,2005,60(3):1167-1219.
[23]Rinaldi L,Sanchis-Arellano A.Household debt sustainability:What explains householdnon-performing loans?An empirical analysis[R].European Central Bank Working Pa-per,No.570,2006.
[24]Treeck T V.The macroeconomics of“financialisation”and the deeper origins of theworld economic crisis[R].Macroeconomic Policy Institute,Working Paper No.9,2009.
吴卫星, 徐芊, 白晓辉. 中国居民家庭负债决策的群体差异比较研究[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(3): 20–30.