财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 05 期, 页码:42 - 53
[8]Allen F,Faulhaber G R.Signaling by underpricing in the IPO market[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1989,23(2):303-323.
[9]Arnold T,Fishe R,North D.The effects of ambiguous information on initial and subsequent IPO returns[J].Financial Management,2010,39(4):1497-1519.
[10]Beatty R P,Welch I.Issuer expenses and legal liability in initial public offerings[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1996,39(2):545-602.
[11]Beatty R P,Ritter J R.Investment banking,reputation,and the underpricing of initial public offerings[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1986,15(1-2):213-232.
[12]Benveniste L M,Spindt P A.How investment bankers determine the offer price and allocation of new issues[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1989,24(2):343-361.
[13]Carter R,Manaster S.Initial public offerings and underwriter reputation[J].Journal of Finance,1990,45(4):1045-1067.
[14]Cheung Y,Ouyang Z,Tan W.How regulatory changes affect IPO underpricing in China[J].China Economic Review,2009,20(4):692-702.
[15]Gao Y,What comprises IPO initial returns:Evidence from the Chinese market[J].Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,2010,18(1):77-89.
[16]Goetzmann W N,Ravid S A,Sverdlove R,et al.The role of soft and hard information in the pricing of assets and contract design—Evidence from screenplay sales[R].Working Paper,Yale University,2007.
[17]Guo R J,Lev B,Zhou N.Competitive costs of disclosure by biotech IPOs[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42(2):319-355.
[18]Hanley K,Hoberg G.The information content of IPO prospectuses[J].Review of Financial Studies,2010,23(7):2821-2864.
[19]Ibbotson R G.Price performance of common stock new issues[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1975,2(3):235-272.
[20]Leone A J,Rock S,Willenborg M.Disclosure of intended use of proceeds and underpricing in initial public offerings[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2007,45(1):111-153.
[21]Logue D E.On the pricing of unseasoned equity issues:1965-1969[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1973,8(1):91-103.
[22]Ritter J,Welch I.A review of IPO activity,pricing,and allocations[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(4):1795-1828.
[23]Tian L.Regulatory underpricing:Determinants of Chinese extreme IPO returns[J].Journal of Empirical Finance,2011,18(1):78-90.
[8]Allen F,Faulhaber G R.Signaling by underpricing in the IPO market[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1989,23(2):303-323.
[9]Arnold T,Fishe R,North D.The effects of ambiguous information on initial and subsequent IPO returns[J].Financial Management,2010,39(4):1497-1519.
[10]Beatty R P,Welch I.Issuer expenses and legal liability in initial public offerings[J].Journal of Law and Economics,1996,39(2):545-602.
[11]Beatty R P,Ritter J R.Investment banking,reputation,and the underpricing of initial public offerings[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1986,15(1-2):213-232.
[12]Benveniste L M,Spindt P A.How investment bankers determine the offer price and allocation of new issues[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1989,24(2):343-361.
[13]Carter R,Manaster S.Initial public offerings and underwriter reputation[J].Journal of Finance,1990,45(4):1045-1067.
[14]Cheung Y,Ouyang Z,Tan W.How regulatory changes affect IPO underpricing in China[J].China Economic Review,2009,20(4):692-702.
[15]Gao Y,What comprises IPO initial returns:Evidence from the Chinese market[J].Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,2010,18(1):77-89.
[16]Goetzmann W N,Ravid S A,Sverdlove R,et al.The role of soft and hard information in the pricing of assets and contract design—Evidence from screenplay sales[R].Working Paper,Yale University,2007.
[17]Guo R J,Lev B,Zhou N.Competitive costs of disclosure by biotech IPOs[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2004,42(2):319-355.
[18]Hanley K,Hoberg G.The information content of IPO prospectuses[J].Review of Financial Studies,2010,23(7):2821-2864.
[19]Ibbotson R G.Price performance of common stock new issues[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1975,2(3):235-272.
[20]Leone A J,Rock S,Willenborg M.Disclosure of intended use of proceeds and underpricing in initial public offerings[J].Journal of Accounting Research,2007,45(1):111-153.
[21]Logue D E.On the pricing of unseasoned equity issues:1965-1969[J].Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,1973,8(1):91-103.
[22]Ritter J,Welch I.A review of IPO activity,pricing,and allocations[J].Journal of Finance,2002,57(4):1795-1828.
[23]Tian L.Regulatory underpricing:Determinants of Chinese extreme IPO returns[J].Journal of Empirical Finance,2011,18(1):78-90.
郝项超, 苏之翔. 重大风险提示可以降低IPO抑价吗?——基于文本分析法的经验证据[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(5): 42–53.