财经研究 2014 年 第 40 卷第 01 期, 页码:27 - 41
[9]Au C,Henderson V.Estimating net urban agglomeration economies:With an application to China[R].Working Paper,Brown University,2004.
[10]Ciccone A,Hall R.Productivity,and the density of economic activity[J].American Economic Review,1996,86(1):54-70.
[11]Ciccone A.Agglomeration effects in Europe[J].European Economic Review,2002,46(2):213-227.
[12]Clemente J,Pueyo F,Sanz F.Market potential,European Union and growth[J].Journal of Policy Modeling,2009,31(5):719-730.
[13]Combes P P,Magnac T,Robin J M.The dynamics of local employment in France[R].CEPR Discussion Paper,No.3912,2002.
[14]Combes P P,Overman H.The spatial distribution of economic activities in the European Union[A].Henderson V,Thisse J F(eds.).Handbook of regional and urban economics[C].Amsterdam:North Holland,2004.
[15]Dixit A K,Stiglitz J E.Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity[J].The American Economic Review,1977,67(3):297-308.
[16]Fujita M,Krugman P.When is the economy monocentric?:von Thunen and chamberlin unified[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,1995,25(4):505-528.
[17]Harris C D.The market as a factor in the localization of industry in the United States[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1954,44(4):315-348.
[18]Hanson G H.Market potential,increasing returns and geographic concentration[J].Journal of International Economics,2005,67(1):1-24.
[19]Head K,Mayer T.Market potential and the location of Japanese investment in the European Union[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics,2004,86(4):959-972.
[20]Head K,Mayer T.Regional wage and employment response to market potential in the EU[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2006,36(5):573-594.
[21]Helpman E.The size of regions[A].Pines D,Sadka E,Zilcha I(eds.).Topics in public economics:Theoretical and applied analysis[C].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998.
[22]Keeble D,Owens P L,Thompson C.Regional accessibility and economic potential in the European community[J].Regional Studies,1982,16(6):419-432.
[23]Krugman P.Scale economies,product differentiation,and the pattern of trade[J].The American Economic Review,1980,70(5):950-959.
[24]Krugman P.Increasing returns and economic geography[J].Journal of Political Economy,1991,99(3):483-499.
[25]Krugman P.A dynamic spatial model[R].NBER,Working Paper,No.4219,1992.
[26]Krugman P,Venables A.Globalization and the inequality of nations[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1995,110(4):857-880.
[27]Linneker B J,Spence N A.An accessibility analysis of the impact of the M25London Orbital Motorway on Britain[J].Regional Studies,1992,26(1):31-47.
[28]Midelfart-Knarvik K H,Overman H G,Venables A J.Comparative advantage and economic geography:Estimating the location of production in the EU[R].CEPR Discussion Paper,No.2618,2000.
[29]Ottaviano G I P,Pinelli D.Market potential and productivity:Evidence from finnish regions[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2006,36(5):636-657.
[30]Overman H G,Redding S,Venables A J.The economic geography of trade,production,and income:A survey of empirics[A].Choi E K,Harrigan J(eds).Handbook of international trade[C].US:Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2003.
[31]Puga D.The rise and fall of regional inequalities[J].European Economic Review,1999,43(2):303-334.
[32]Roodman D.How to do xtabond2:An introduction to difference and system GMM in stata[R].Center for Global Development Working Paper No.103,2006.
[33]Stewart J Q.Empirical mathematical rules concerning the distribution and equilibrium of population[J].Geographical Review,1947,37(3):461-485.
[34]Venables A J.Equilibrium locations of vertically linked industries[J].International Economic Review,1996,37(2):341-359.
[35]Zheng X P.Determinants of agglomeration economies and diseconomies:Empirical evidence from Tokyo[J].Socio-Economic Planning Sciences,2001,35(2):131-144.
[9]Au C,Henderson V.Estimating net urban agglomeration economies:With an application to China[R].Working Paper,Brown University,2004.
[10]Ciccone A,Hall R.Productivity,and the density of economic activity[J].American Economic Review,1996,86(1):54-70.
[11]Ciccone A.Agglomeration effects in Europe[J].European Economic Review,2002,46(2):213-227.
[12]Clemente J,Pueyo F,Sanz F.Market potential,European Union and growth[J].Journal of Policy Modeling,2009,31(5):719-730.
[13]Combes P P,Magnac T,Robin J M.The dynamics of local employment in France[R].CEPR Discussion Paper,No.3912,2002.
[14]Combes P P,Overman H.The spatial distribution of economic activities in the European Union[A].Henderson V,Thisse J F(eds.).Handbook of regional and urban economics[C].Amsterdam:North Holland,2004.
[15]Dixit A K,Stiglitz J E.Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity[J].The American Economic Review,1977,67(3):297-308.
[16]Fujita M,Krugman P.When is the economy monocentric?:von Thunen and chamberlin unified[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,1995,25(4):505-528.
[17]Harris C D.The market as a factor in the localization of industry in the United States[J].Annals of the Association of American Geographers,1954,44(4):315-348.
[18]Hanson G H.Market potential,increasing returns and geographic concentration[J].Journal of International Economics,2005,67(1):1-24.
[19]Head K,Mayer T.Market potential and the location of Japanese investment in the European Union[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics,2004,86(4):959-972.
[20]Head K,Mayer T.Regional wage and employment response to market potential in the EU[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2006,36(5):573-594.
[21]Helpman E.The size of regions[A].Pines D,Sadka E,Zilcha I(eds.).Topics in public economics:Theoretical and applied analysis[C].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998.
[22]Keeble D,Owens P L,Thompson C.Regional accessibility and economic potential in the European community[J].Regional Studies,1982,16(6):419-432.
[23]Krugman P.Scale economies,product differentiation,and the pattern of trade[J].The American Economic Review,1980,70(5):950-959.
[24]Krugman P.Increasing returns and economic geography[J].Journal of Political Economy,1991,99(3):483-499.
[25]Krugman P.A dynamic spatial model[R].NBER,Working Paper,No.4219,1992.
[26]Krugman P,Venables A.Globalization and the inequality of nations[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1995,110(4):857-880.
[27]Linneker B J,Spence N A.An accessibility analysis of the impact of the M25London Orbital Motorway on Britain[J].Regional Studies,1992,26(1):31-47.
[28]Midelfart-Knarvik K H,Overman H G,Venables A J.Comparative advantage and economic geography:Estimating the location of production in the EU[R].CEPR Discussion Paper,No.2618,2000.
[29]Ottaviano G I P,Pinelli D.Market potential and productivity:Evidence from finnish regions[J].Regional Science and Urban Economics,2006,36(5):636-657.
[30]Overman H G,Redding S,Venables A J.The economic geography of trade,production,and income:A survey of empirics[A].Choi E K,Harrigan J(eds).Handbook of international trade[C].US:Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2003.
[31]Puga D.The rise and fall of regional inequalities[J].European Economic Review,1999,43(2):303-334.
[32]Roodman D.How to do xtabond2:An introduction to difference and system GMM in stata[R].Center for Global Development Working Paper No.103,2006.
[33]Stewart J Q.Empirical mathematical rules concerning the distribution and equilibrium of population[J].Geographical Review,1947,37(3):461-485.
[34]Venables A J.Equilibrium locations of vertically linked industries[J].International Economic Review,1996,37(2):341-359.
[35]Zheng X P.Determinants of agglomeration economies and diseconomies:Empirical evidence from Tokyo[J].Socio-Economic Planning Sciences,2001,35(2):131-144.
韩峰, 阳立高. 内外市场需求、产品多样化与劳动生产率——基于中国城市面板数据的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2014, 40(1): 27–41.