财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 11 期, 页码:20 - 33
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[11] Osberg L, Smeeding T. "Fair" inequality? Attitudes toward pay differentials: The United States in comparative perspective[J]. American Sociological Review, 2006, 71(3): 450-473.
[12] Roemer J E. Theories of distributive justice[M].Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1998.
[13] Sears D O, Funk C L. The role of self-interest in social and political attitudes[J]. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 1991, 24(1): 1-91.
[14] Shepelak N J, Alwin D F. Beliefs about inequality and perceptions of distributive justice[J]. American Sociological Review, 1986, 51(1): 30-46.
[15] Soltan K E. Empirical studies of distributive justice[J]. Ethics, 1982, 92(4): 673-691.
[2] 怀默霆.中国民众如何看待当前的社会不平等[J].社会学研究, 2009, (1):96-120.
[3] 李路路, 唐丽娜, 秦广强."患不均, 更患不公"——转型期的"公平感"与"冲突感"[J]. 中国人民大学学报, 2012, (4):80-90.
[4] 马磊, 刘欣.中国城市居民的分配公平感研究[J].社会学研究, 2010, (5):31-49.
[5] 王小鲁.灰色收入拉大居民收入差距[J].中国改革, 2007, (7):9-12.
[6] Alves W M, Rossi P H. Who should get what? Fairness judgments of the distribution of earnings[J]. American Journal of Sociology, 1978, 84(3): 541-564.
[7] Della Fave L R. The meek shall not inherit the earth: Self-evaluation and the legitimacy of stratification[J]. American Sociological Review, 1980, 45(6): 955-971.
[8] Della Fave L R. The dialectics of legitimation and counternorms[J]. Sociological Perspectives, 1986, 29(4): 435-460.
[9] Greenberg J. Employee theft as a reaction to underpayment inequity: The hidden cost of pay cuts[J]. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1990, 75(5): 561-568.
[10] Jasso G. On the justice of earnings: A new specification of the justice evaluation function[J]. American Journal of Sociology, 1978, 83(6): 1398-1419.
[11] Osberg L, Smeeding T. "Fair" inequality? Attitudes toward pay differentials: The United States in comparative perspective[J]. American Sociological Review, 2006, 71(3): 450-473.
[12] Roemer J E. Theories of distributive justice[M].Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1998.
[13] Sears D O, Funk C L. The role of self-interest in social and political attitudes[J]. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 1991, 24(1): 1-91.
[14] Shepelak N J, Alwin D F. Beliefs about inequality and perceptions of distributive justice[J]. American Sociological Review, 1986, 51(1): 30-46.
[15] Soltan K E. Empirical studies of distributive justice[J]. Ethics, 1982, 92(4): 673-691.
文雯. 中国居民收入分配的公平认知与诉求[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(11): 20–33.