财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 06 期, 页码:
[3]郭新强, 胡永刚.中国财政支出与财政支出结构偏向的就业效应[J].经济研究,2012,(S2):5-17.
[4]李晓芳, 高铁梅, 梁云芳.税收和政府支出政策对产出动态冲击效应的计量分析[J].财贸经济,2005,(2):32-39+97.
[5]李永友.市场主体信心与财政乘数效应的非线性特征——基于 SVAR 模型的反事实分析[J].管理世界,2012,(1):46-56+187.
[6]王立勇,李富强.我国相机抉择财政政策效应非对称性的实证研究[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2009,(1):58-66.
[8]Baxter M, King R G. Fiscal policy in general equilibrium[J]. American Economic Review, 1993, 83(3): 315-334.
[9]Blanchard O, Perotti R. An empirical characterization of the dynamic effects of changes in government spending and taxes on output[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2002, 117(4): 1329-1368.
[10]Blanchard O, Watson M W. Are business cycles all alike?[R]. NBER Working Paper, 1986.
[11]Christiano L J,Eichenbaum M, Evoms C L. Monetary policy shocks: What have we learned and to what end? [C]. Handbook of macroeconomics, 1999, Part A: 65-148.
[12]Favero C. How do European monetary and fiscal authorities behave?[R]. CEPR Working Papers, 2002.
[13]Galí J, LópezSalido, J D, Vallés J. Understanding the effects of government spending on consumption[J]. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2007, 5(1):227-270.
[14]Leeper E M, Sims C A, Zha T. What does monetary policy do?[J]. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1996,1996(2): 1-78.
[15]Mountford A, Uhlig H. What are the effects of fiscal policy shocks?[J]. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2009, 24(6): 960-992.
[16]Shapiro M, Watson M. Sources of business cycles fluctuations[C].NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1988,3: 111-156.
[17]Sims C A. Macroeconomics and reality[J].Econometrica, 1980,48(1): 1-48.
[18]Uhlig H. What are the effects of monetary policy on output? Results from an agnostic identification procedure[J]. Journal of Monetary Economics, 2005, 52(2): 381-419.
[3]郭新强, 胡永刚.中国财政支出与财政支出结构偏向的就业效应[J].经济研究,2012,(S2):5-17.
[4]李晓芳, 高铁梅, 梁云芳.税收和政府支出政策对产出动态冲击效应的计量分析[J].财贸经济,2005,(2):32-39+97.
[5]李永友.市场主体信心与财政乘数效应的非线性特征——基于 SVAR 模型的反事实分析[J].管理世界,2012,(1):46-56+187.
[6]王立勇,李富强.我国相机抉择财政政策效应非对称性的实证研究[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2009,(1):58-66.
[8]Baxter M, King R G. Fiscal policy in general equilibrium[J]. American Economic Review, 1993, 83(3): 315-334.
[9]Blanchard O, Perotti R. An empirical characterization of the dynamic effects of changes in government spending and taxes on output[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2002, 117(4): 1329-1368.
[10]Blanchard O, Watson M W. Are business cycles all alike?[R]. NBER Working Paper, 1986.
[11]Christiano L J,Eichenbaum M, Evoms C L. Monetary policy shocks: What have we learned and to what end? [C]. Handbook of macroeconomics, 1999, Part A: 65-148.
[12]Favero C. How do European monetary and fiscal authorities behave?[R]. CEPR Working Papers, 2002.
[13]Galí J, LópezSalido, J D, Vallés J. Understanding the effects of government spending on consumption[J]. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2007, 5(1):227-270.
[14]Leeper E M, Sims C A, Zha T. What does monetary policy do?[J]. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1996,1996(2): 1-78.
[15]Mountford A, Uhlig H. What are the effects of fiscal policy shocks?[J]. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2009, 24(6): 960-992.
[16]Shapiro M, Watson M. Sources of business cycles fluctuations[C].NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1988,3: 111-156.
[17]Sims C A. Macroeconomics and reality[J].Econometrica, 1980,48(1): 1-48.
[18]Uhlig H. What are the effects of monetary policy on output? Results from an agnostic identification procedure[J]. Journal of Monetary Economics, 2005, 52(2): 381-419.
王文甫, 张 南, 岳超云. 中国财政政策冲击的识别与效应——符号约束方法下的SVAR分析[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(6): 0.