财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 05 期, 页码:
[1]段继红.国际油价冲击对中国宏观经济的影响[J].统计研究, 2010, (7):25-29.
[2]耿鹏, 赵昕东.基于GVAR模型的产业内生联系与外生冲击分析[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2009, (12):32-45.
[3]胡援成,张朝洋.美元贬值对中国通货膨胀的影响:传导途径及其效应[J].经济研究, 2012, (4):101-112.
[4]林伯强, 林立民.中国战略石油储备的最优规模[J].世界经济, 2010, (8):72-92.
[5]林伯强, 牟敦国.能源价格对宏观经济的影响——基于可计算一般均衡(CGE)的分析[J].经济研究, 2008, (11):88-101.
[6]柳明,宋潇.石油价格波动对中国宏观经济的影响——基于DSGE模型的分析[J].南开经济研究, 2013, (6):74-96.
[7]任若恩, 樊茂清.国际油价波动对中国宏观经济的影响:基于中国IGEM模型的经验研究[J].世界经济, 2010, (12):28-47.
[8]任泽平, 潘文卿, 刘起运. 原油价格波动对中国物价的影响——基于投入产出价格模型[J].统计研究, 2007, (11):22-28.
[9]孙宁华, 江学迪.能源价格与中国宏观经济:动态模型与校准分析[J].南开经济研究, 2012, (2):20-32.
[10]魏巍贤,高中元,彭翔宇. 能源冲击与中国经济波动——基于动态随机一般均衡模型的分析[J].金融研究, 2012, (1):51-64.
[11]王云清.能源价格冲击与中国的宏观经济:理论模型、数值分析及政策模拟[J].经济学动态, 2014, (2):44-57.
[12]张延群.全球向量自回归模型的理论、方法及其应用[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2012, (4):136-149.
[13]中国经济增长与宏观稳定课题组.外部冲击与中国的通货膨胀[J].经济研究, 2008, (5):4-18.
[14]Berument H,Tasci H. Inflationary effect of crude oil prices in Turkey[J].Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2002,316(1-4): 568-580.
[15]Cuado J,Pérez de Gracia F. Do oil price shocks matter? Evidence for some European countries [J].Energy Economics,2003,25(2): 137-154.
[16]Dedola L,Lippi F. The monetary transmission mechanism: Evidence from the industries of five OECD countries [J].European Economic Review,2005,49(6): 1543-1569.
[17]Mauro F,Smith L V,Dees s,etal.Exploring the international linkages of the Euro area: A global VAR analysis[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2007,22(1): 1-38.
[18]Doroodian K,Boyd R. The linkage between oil price shocks and economic growth with inflation in the presence of technological advances: A CGE model[J].Energy Policy,2003,31(10): 989-1006.
[19]Eickmeier S,Ng T. How do credit supply shocks propagate internationally? A GVAR approach[J]. European Economic Review,2015,74(C):128-145.
[20]Galesi A,Lombardi M J. External shocks and international inflation linkages:A global VAR analysis[R].ECB Working Paper No.1062, 2009.
[21]Lescaroux F,Mignon V. On the influence of oil prices on economic activity and other macroeconomic and financial variables [J].OPEC Energy Review,2008, 32(4): 343-380.
[22]Pesaran M,Schuermann T,Weiner S. Modeling regional interdependencies using a global errorcorrecting macroeconometric model[J]. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,2004,22(2): 129-162.
[23]Pesaran M,Shin Y,Smith R. Structural analysis of vector error correction models with exogenous I(1) variables[J]. Journal of Econometrics, 2000, 97(2): 293-343.
[2]耿鹏, 赵昕东.基于GVAR模型的产业内生联系与外生冲击分析[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2009, (12):32-45.
[3]胡援成,张朝洋.美元贬值对中国通货膨胀的影响:传导途径及其效应[J].经济研究, 2012, (4):101-112.
[4]林伯强, 林立民.中国战略石油储备的最优规模[J].世界经济, 2010, (8):72-92.
[5]林伯强, 牟敦国.能源价格对宏观经济的影响——基于可计算一般均衡(CGE)的分析[J].经济研究, 2008, (11):88-101.
[6]柳明,宋潇.石油价格波动对中国宏观经济的影响——基于DSGE模型的分析[J].南开经济研究, 2013, (6):74-96.
[7]任若恩, 樊茂清.国际油价波动对中国宏观经济的影响:基于中国IGEM模型的经验研究[J].世界经济, 2010, (12):28-47.
[8]任泽平, 潘文卿, 刘起运. 原油价格波动对中国物价的影响——基于投入产出价格模型[J].统计研究, 2007, (11):22-28.
[9]孙宁华, 江学迪.能源价格与中国宏观经济:动态模型与校准分析[J].南开经济研究, 2012, (2):20-32.
[10]魏巍贤,高中元,彭翔宇. 能源冲击与中国经济波动——基于动态随机一般均衡模型的分析[J].金融研究, 2012, (1):51-64.
[11]王云清.能源价格冲击与中国的宏观经济:理论模型、数值分析及政策模拟[J].经济学动态, 2014, (2):44-57.
[12]张延群.全球向量自回归模型的理论、方法及其应用[J].数量经济技术经济研究, 2012, (4):136-149.
[13]中国经济增长与宏观稳定课题组.外部冲击与中国的通货膨胀[J].经济研究, 2008, (5):4-18.
[14]Berument H,Tasci H. Inflationary effect of crude oil prices in Turkey[J].Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2002,316(1-4): 568-580.
[15]Cuado J,Pérez de Gracia F. Do oil price shocks matter? Evidence for some European countries [J].Energy Economics,2003,25(2): 137-154.
[16]Dedola L,Lippi F. The monetary transmission mechanism: Evidence from the industries of five OECD countries [J].European Economic Review,2005,49(6): 1543-1569.
[17]Mauro F,Smith L V,Dees s,etal.Exploring the international linkages of the Euro area: A global VAR analysis[J].Journal of Applied Econometrics,2007,22(1): 1-38.
[18]Doroodian K,Boyd R. The linkage between oil price shocks and economic growth with inflation in the presence of technological advances: A CGE model[J].Energy Policy,2003,31(10): 989-1006.
[19]Eickmeier S,Ng T. How do credit supply shocks propagate internationally? A GVAR approach[J]. European Economic Review,2015,74(C):128-145.
[20]Galesi A,Lombardi M J. External shocks and international inflation linkages:A global VAR analysis[R].ECB Working Paper No.1062, 2009.
[21]Lescaroux F,Mignon V. On the influence of oil prices on economic activity and other macroeconomic and financial variables [J].OPEC Energy Review,2008, 32(4): 343-380.
[22]Pesaran M,Schuermann T,Weiner S. Modeling regional interdependencies using a global errorcorrecting macroeconometric model[J]. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,2004,22(2): 129-162.
[23]Pesaran M,Shin Y,Smith R. Structural analysis of vector error correction models with exogenous I(1) variables[J]. Journal of Econometrics, 2000, 97(2): 293-343.
苏梽芳, 渠慎宁, 陈昌楠. 外部资源价格冲击与中国工业部门通胀的内生关联研究[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(5): 0.