外国经济与管理 2014 年 第 36 卷第 07 期, 页码:44 - 52
新古典经济学与行为经济学在解释意愿支付(willing to pay,WTP)与意愿接受(willing to accept,WTA)之间差异这一现象时,存在严重的分歧。国际上,众多学者针对WTP与WTA不一致的现象也展开了广泛的实验研究。之所以众多学者关注WTP与WTA之间的差异问题,一方面是因为它涉及新古典经济理论中关于偏好假定的合理性问题;另一方面在于WTP与WTA还是两种重要的价值评估手段。因为许多公共经济政策的制定或效果评估与此有直接关系。许多公共经济政策的制定或效果评估需要在WTP与WTA之间进行审慎选择,特别是在涉及医疗、环境问题、公共产品供给以及不可再生资源定价方面。正确区分这两种价值评估手段的适用性是公共经济政策制定的一个基础性条件。鉴于此,本文在重现研究争论和系统梳理相应研究结论的基础上对公共政策经济估值方法(WTP还是WTA)的选择提出识别依据。
[1]Hanemann W M.Willingness to pay and willingness to accept:How much can they differ?[J].American Economic Review,1991,81(3):635-647.
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[8]Knetsch J L,Tang F F and Thaler R H.The endowment effect and repeated market trials:Is the vickrey auction demand revealing?[J].Experimental Economics,2001,4:257-269.
[9]Knestch J L and Tang F F.The context,or reference,dependence of economic values:Further evidence and some predictable patterns[A].Handbook of contemporary behavioral economics:Foundations and developments[C].2006.
[10]Knestch J L,Eko R and Zong J C.Gain and loss domains and the choice of welfare measure of positive and negative changes[J].Journal of Cost and Benefit Analysis,2012,3(4):1-18.
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[14]Plott C R and Zeiler K.The willingness to pay/willingness to accept gap,the endowment effect[J].American Economic Review,2005,95(3):530-545.
[15]Pierce J L,Kostova T and Dirks K T.The state of psychological ownership:Integrating and extending a century of research[J].Review of General Psychology,2003,7:84-107.
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[18]Reb J and Connolly T.Possession,feelings of ownership and the endowment effect[J].Judgment and Decision Making,2007,2:107-114.
①这五种病原体分别为:Campylobacter、Salmonella、Staphylococcus aureus、Trichinella spiralis和Clostridium perfringens。这五种病原体都在美国发生过,但不同病原体致病的概率并不相同。
[2]Kahneman D and Tversky,A.prospect theory:An analysis of decision under risk[J].Econometrica,1979,47:263-291.
[3]Kahneman D,Knetsch J L and Thaler R H.Experimental tests of the endowment effect and the Coase theorem[J].Journal of Political Economy,1990,98:1325-1348.
[4]Kahneman D,Knetsch J L and Thaler R H.Anomalies:The endowment effect,loss aversion and status-quo bias[J].Journal of Eco-nomic Perspectives,1991,5(1):193-206.
[5]Knetsch J.The endowment effect and evidence of nonreversible indifference curves[J].American Economic Review,1989,79:1277-1284.
[6]Knetsch J L and Sinden,J.Willingness to pay and compensation demanded:Experimental evidence of an unexpected disparity in measures of value[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1984,99:507-521.
[7]Knetsch J L and Sinden J.The persistence of evaluation disparities[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,1987,102:691-705.
[8]Knetsch J L,Tang F F and Thaler R H.The endowment effect and repeated market trials:Is the vickrey auction demand revealing?[J].Experimental Economics,2001,4:257-269.
[9]Knestch J L and Tang F F.The context,or reference,dependence of economic values:Further evidence and some predictable patterns[A].Handbook of contemporary behavioral economics:Foundations and developments[C].2006.
[10]Knestch J L,Eko R and Zong J C.Gain and loss domains and the choice of welfare measure of positive and negative changes[J].Journal of Cost and Benefit Analysis,2012,3(4):1-18.
[11]Knez P,Smith V L and Williams A.Individual rationality,market rationality,and value estimation[J].American Economics Review.Papers and Proceeding,1985,75:397-402.
[12]List J.Does market experience eliminate market anomalies?[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2003,118:41-71.
[13]List J.Neoclassical Theory versus prospect theory:Evidence from the marketplace[J].Econometrica,2004,72:615-625.
[14]Plott C R and Zeiler K.The willingness to pay/willingness to accept gap,the endowment effect[J].American Economic Review,2005,95(3):530-545.
[15]Pierce J L,Kostova T and Dirks K T.The state of psychological ownership:Integrating and extending a century of research[J].Review of General Psychology,2003,7:84-107.
[16]Rabin M.Psychology and economics[J].Journal of Economic Literature,1998,36:11-46.
[17]Randall A and Stoll J R.Consumer’s surplus in commodity space[J].American Economic Review,1980,71(3):449-457.
[18]Reb J and Connolly T.Possession,feelings of ownership and the endowment effect[J].Judgment and Decision Making,2007,2:107-114.
①这五种病原体分别为:Campylobacter、Salmonella、Staphylococcus aureus、Trichinella spiralis和Clostridium perfringens。这五种病原体都在美国发生过,但不同病原体致病的概率并不相同。
宗计川. 价值评估手段选择:意愿支付抑或意愿接受——实验研究前沿述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2014, 36(7): 44–52.