外国经济与管理 2011 年 第 33 卷第 12 期, 页码:49 - 57
[1]Ahufa G.Collaboration network,structural holes and innovation:A longitudinal study[J].Administrative Science Quarterly,2000,45(3):425-455.
[2]Anand B N and Khanna T.Do firms learn to create value?The case of alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):295-315.
[3]Baum J A C,et al.Don’t go it alone:Alliance network composition and startups’performance in Canadian biotechnology[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):267-294.
[4]Capaldo A.Network structure and innovation:The leveraging of a dual network as a distinctive relational capability[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(6):585-608.
[5]Chung S,et al.Complementarity,status similarity and social capital as drivers of alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(1):1-22.
[6]Das T K and Teng B S.A resource based theory of strategic alliances[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(1):31-61.
[7]Das T K and Teng B S.Alliance constellations:A social exchange perspective[J].Academy of Management Review,2002,27(3):445-456.
[8]Draulans J,et al.Building alliance capability:Management techniques for superior alliance performance[J].Long Range Plan-ning,2003,36(2):151-166.
[9]Dyer J H,et al.How to make strategic alliance work[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2001,42(4):37-43.
[10]Eisenhardt K M and Schoonhoven C B.Resource-based view of strategic alliance formation:Strategic and social effects in entre-preneurial firms[J].Organization Science,1996,7(2):136-150.
[11]Goerzen A.Alliance networks and firm performance:The impact of repeated partnerships[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(5):487-509.
[12]Gulati R.Alliances and networks[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(4):293-317.
[13]Hoang H A and Rothaermel F T.The effect of general and partner specific alliance experience on joint R&D project perfor-mance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2005,48(2):332-345.
[14]Hoffmann W H.Strategies for managing aportfolio of alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(8):827-856.
[15]Ireland R D,et al.Alliance management as a source of competitive advantage[J].Journal of Management,2002,28(3):413-446.
[16]Jarillo,J C.On strategic networks[J].Strategic Management Journal,1988,9(1):31-41.
[17]Kale P,et al.Value creation and success in strategic alliances:Alliancing skills and the role of alliance structure and systems[J].European Management Journal,2001,19(5):463-471.
[18]Kale P and Singh H.Building firm capabilities through learning:The role of the alliance learning process in alliance capability and success[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(10):981-1000.
[19]Koka B R and Prescott J E.Designing alliance networks:The influence of network position,environmental change and strategy on firm performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2008,29(6):639-661.
[20]Lavie D.Alliance portfolios and firm performance:A study of value creation and appropriation in the U S software industry[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(12):1187-1212.
[21]Powell W W,et al.Interorganizational collaboration and the locus of innovation:Networks of learning in biotechnology[J].Ad-ministrative Science Quarterly,1996,41(1):116-145.
[22]Rowley T,et al.Redundant governance structures:An analysis of structural and relational embeddedness in the steel and semi-conductor industries[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):369-386.
[23]Simonin B L.The importance of collaborative know-how:An empirical test of the learning organization[J].Academy of Mana-gement Journal,1997,40(5):1150-1174.
[24]Walker G,et al.Social capital,structural holes and the formation of an industry network[J].Organization Science,1997,8(2):109-125.
[25]Zaheer A and Bell G G.Benefiting from network position:Firm capabilities,structural holes and performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2005,26(9):809-825.
[2]Anand B N and Khanna T.Do firms learn to create value?The case of alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):295-315.
[3]Baum J A C,et al.Don’t go it alone:Alliance network composition and startups’performance in Canadian biotechnology[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):267-294.
[4]Capaldo A.Network structure and innovation:The leveraging of a dual network as a distinctive relational capability[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(6):585-608.
[5]Chung S,et al.Complementarity,status similarity and social capital as drivers of alliance formation[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(1):1-22.
[6]Das T K and Teng B S.A resource based theory of strategic alliances[J].Journal of Management,2000,26(1):31-61.
[7]Das T K and Teng B S.Alliance constellations:A social exchange perspective[J].Academy of Management Review,2002,27(3):445-456.
[8]Draulans J,et al.Building alliance capability:Management techniques for superior alliance performance[J].Long Range Plan-ning,2003,36(2):151-166.
[9]Dyer J H,et al.How to make strategic alliance work[J].MIT Sloan Management Review,2001,42(4):37-43.
[10]Eisenhardt K M and Schoonhoven C B.Resource-based view of strategic alliance formation:Strategic and social effects in entre-preneurial firms[J].Organization Science,1996,7(2):136-150.
[11]Goerzen A.Alliance networks and firm performance:The impact of repeated partnerships[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(5):487-509.
[12]Gulati R.Alliances and networks[J].Strategic Management Journal,1998,19(4):293-317.
[13]Hoang H A and Rothaermel F T.The effect of general and partner specific alliance experience on joint R&D project perfor-mance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2005,48(2):332-345.
[14]Hoffmann W H.Strategies for managing aportfolio of alliances[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(8):827-856.
[15]Ireland R D,et al.Alliance management as a source of competitive advantage[J].Journal of Management,2002,28(3):413-446.
[16]Jarillo,J C.On strategic networks[J].Strategic Management Journal,1988,9(1):31-41.
[17]Kale P,et al.Value creation and success in strategic alliances:Alliancing skills and the role of alliance structure and systems[J].European Management Journal,2001,19(5):463-471.
[18]Kale P and Singh H.Building firm capabilities through learning:The role of the alliance learning process in alliance capability and success[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(10):981-1000.
[19]Koka B R and Prescott J E.Designing alliance networks:The influence of network position,environmental change and strategy on firm performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2008,29(6):639-661.
[20]Lavie D.Alliance portfolios and firm performance:A study of value creation and appropriation in the U S software industry[J].Strategic Management Journal,2007,28(12):1187-1212.
[21]Powell W W,et al.Interorganizational collaboration and the locus of innovation:Networks of learning in biotechnology[J].Ad-ministrative Science Quarterly,1996,41(1):116-145.
[22]Rowley T,et al.Redundant governance structures:An analysis of structural and relational embeddedness in the steel and semi-conductor industries[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(3):369-386.
[23]Simonin B L.The importance of collaborative know-how:An empirical test of the learning organization[J].Academy of Mana-gement Journal,1997,40(5):1150-1174.
[24]Walker G,et al.Social capital,structural holes and the formation of an industry network[J].Organization Science,1997,8(2):109-125.
[25]Zaheer A and Bell G G.Benefiting from network position:Firm capabilities,structural holes and performance[J].Strategic Management Journal,2005,26(9):809-825.
彭伟, 符正平. 国外联盟研究脉络梳理与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2011, 33(12): 49–57.