外国经济与管理 2011 年 第 33 卷第 06 期, 页码:59 - 65
[1]Malcol m,Baker.Capital market driven corporate finance[J].Annual Reviewof Financial Economics,2009,12(1):181-205.
[2]Sloan,R G.Do stock prices fully reflect information in cash flows and accruals about future earnings?[J].The Accounting Re-view,1996,71(3):289-315.
[3]Dechow,P M,and Dichev,I D.The quality of accruals and earnings:The role of accrual esti mation errors[J].The Accounting Re-view,2002,77(1):25-39.
[4]Stein,Jeremy C.Rational capital budgetingin anirrational world[J].Journal of Business,1996,69(4):429-455.
[6]Polk,Christopher,and Sapienza,Paola.The stock market and corporateinvest ment:Atest of cateringtheory[J].Reviewof Finan-cial Studies,2009,22(1):187-217.
[7]Myers,S,and Majluf,N.Corporate financing andinvest ment decisions whenfirms haveinformationthat investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-222.
[8]Bushman,R M,and Smith,AJ.Transparency,financial accountinginformation and corporate governance[J].Economic Policy Re-view,2003,9(l):65-80.
[9]Baker,M,Stein,J C,and Wurgler,J.When does the market matter?Stock prices and the invest ment of equity dependent firms[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2003,118(3):969-1 006.
[10]Bakke,Tor-Erik,and Whited,Toni M.Whichfirms followthe market?An analysis of corporateinvest ment decisions[J].Reviewof Financial Studies,2010,23(5):1 941-1 980.
[11]Biddle,G C,and Hilary,G.Accounting quality and firmlevel capital invest ment[J].The Accounting Review,2006,81(5):963-982.
[12]Verdi,R.Financial reporting quality andinvest ment efficiency[R].Working Paper,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,2006.
[13]McNichols,MF,and Stubben,S R.Does earnings management affect firms invest ment decisions?[J].The Accounting Review,2008,83(6):1 571-1 603.
[14]Kedia,Si mi,and Philippon,Thomas.The economics of fraudulent accounting[R].Working Paper,Rutgers University,2006.
[15]Hoberg,G,and Phillips,G.Real and financial industry booms and busts[J].The Journal of Finance,2010,2(1):45-85.
[2]Sloan,R G.Do stock prices fully reflect information in cash flows and accruals about future earnings?[J].The Accounting Re-view,1996,71(3):289-315.
[3]Dechow,P M,and Dichev,I D.The quality of accruals and earnings:The role of accrual esti mation errors[J].The Accounting Re-view,2002,77(1):25-39.
[4]Stein,Jeremy C.Rational capital budgetingin anirrational world[J].Journal of Business,1996,69(4):429-455.
[6]Polk,Christopher,and Sapienza,Paola.The stock market and corporateinvest ment:Atest of cateringtheory[J].Reviewof Finan-cial Studies,2009,22(1):187-217.
[7]Myers,S,and Majluf,N.Corporate financing andinvest ment decisions whenfirms haveinformationthat investors do not have[J].Journal of Financial Economics,1984,13(2):187-222.
[8]Bushman,R M,and Smith,AJ.Transparency,financial accountinginformation and corporate governance[J].Economic Policy Re-view,2003,9(l):65-80.
[9]Baker,M,Stein,J C,and Wurgler,J.When does the market matter?Stock prices and the invest ment of equity dependent firms[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2003,118(3):969-1 006.
[10]Bakke,Tor-Erik,and Whited,Toni M.Whichfirms followthe market?An analysis of corporateinvest ment decisions[J].Reviewof Financial Studies,2010,23(5):1 941-1 980.
[11]Biddle,G C,and Hilary,G.Accounting quality and firmlevel capital invest ment[J].The Accounting Review,2006,81(5):963-982.
[12]Verdi,R.Financial reporting quality andinvest ment efficiency[R].Working Paper,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,2006.
[13]McNichols,MF,and Stubben,S R.Does earnings management affect firms invest ment decisions?[J].The Accounting Review,2008,83(6):1 571-1 603.
[14]Kedia,Si mi,and Philippon,Thomas.The economics of fraudulent accounting[R].Working Paper,Rutgers University,2006.
[15]Hoberg,G,and Phillips,G.Real and financial industry booms and busts[J].The Journal of Finance,2010,2(1):45-85.
夏芳, 谭跃, 张跃龙. 股价与企业投资关系研究比较——基于管理层操控和投资者非理性视角[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2011, 33(6): 59–65.