外国经济与管理 2012 年 第 34 卷第 04 期, 页码:73 - 80
[1]Adams R B,et al.Powerful CEOs and their impact on corpo-rate performance[J].The Review of Financial Studies,2005,18(4):1403-1432.
[2]Aghion P and Tirole J.Formal and real authority in organiza-tions[J].Journal of Political Economy,1997,105(1):1-29.
[3]Bebchuk L,et al.Managerial power and rent extraction in the design of executive compensation[J].University of Chicago Law Review,2002,69(3):751-846.
[4]Cai H,et al.Eat,drink,firms,government:An investigation of corruption from entertainment and travel costs of Chinese firms[J].Journal of Law and Economics,2011,54(1):55-78.
[5]Chen C,et al.High-level politically connected firms,corruption,and analyst forecast accuracy around the world[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2010,41(9):1505-1524.
[6]Cheng S J and Indjejikian R.Managerial influence and CEO per-formance incentives[J].International Review of Law&Economics,2009,29(2):115-126.
[7]Doidge C,et al.Why do countries matter so much for corpo-rate governance?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2007,86(1):1-39.
[8]Dyck A and Zingales L.Private benefits of control:An inter-national comparison[J].Journal of Finance,2004,59(2):537-600.
[9]Hart O and Moore J.Contracts as reference points[J].Quar-terly Journal of Economics,2008,123(1):1-48.
[10]Huang L J and Snell R S.Turnaround,corruption and medi-ocrity:Leadership and governance in three state owned enter-prises in mainland China[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2003,43(1-2):111-124.
[11]Hung H.Normalized collective corruption in a transitional economy:Small treasuries in large Chinese enterprises[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2008,79(1):69-83.
[12]Levendis J and Waters G.Corporate corruption and chaos:A formal recursive model[J].International Journal of Business and Management Science,2009,2(2):177-192.
[13]Luo Y.An organizational perspective of corruption[J].Manage-ment and Organization Review,2005,1(1):119-154.
[14]Morse A,et al.Are incentive contracts rigged by powerful CEOs?[J].The Journal of Finance,2011,66(5):1779-1821.
[15]Oler D,et al.Governance,CEO power and acquisitions[J].Journal of Finance,2011,8:2012-2045.
[16]Osuji O.Fluidity of regulation-CSR nexus:The multinational corporate corruption example[J].Journal of Business Ethis,2011,103(1):31-57.
[17]Pearce C L,et al.The roles of vertical and shared leadership in the enactment of executive corruption:Implications for re-search and practice[J].The Leadership Quarterly,2008,19(3):353-359.
[18]Rajan R and Wulf J.Are perks purely managerial excess[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,79(1):1-33.
[19]Xuan Y.Empire-building or bridge-building?Evidence from new CEOs’internal capital allocation decisions[J].The Re-view of Financial Studies,2009,22(12):4919-4948.
[20]Yermack D.Flights of fancy:Corporate jets,CEO perquisites,and inferior shareholder returns[J].Journal of Financial Econom-ics,2006,80(1):211-242.
[21]Zahra S A,et al.The antecedents and consequences of top management fraud[J].Journal of Management,2005,31(6):803-828.
[2]Aghion P and Tirole J.Formal and real authority in organiza-tions[J].Journal of Political Economy,1997,105(1):1-29.
[3]Bebchuk L,et al.Managerial power and rent extraction in the design of executive compensation[J].University of Chicago Law Review,2002,69(3):751-846.
[4]Cai H,et al.Eat,drink,firms,government:An investigation of corruption from entertainment and travel costs of Chinese firms[J].Journal of Law and Economics,2011,54(1):55-78.
[5]Chen C,et al.High-level politically connected firms,corruption,and analyst forecast accuracy around the world[J].Journal of International Business Studies,2010,41(9):1505-1524.
[6]Cheng S J and Indjejikian R.Managerial influence and CEO per-formance incentives[J].International Review of Law&Economics,2009,29(2):115-126.
[7]Doidge C,et al.Why do countries matter so much for corpo-rate governance?[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2007,86(1):1-39.
[8]Dyck A and Zingales L.Private benefits of control:An inter-national comparison[J].Journal of Finance,2004,59(2):537-600.
[9]Hart O and Moore J.Contracts as reference points[J].Quar-terly Journal of Economics,2008,123(1):1-48.
[10]Huang L J and Snell R S.Turnaround,corruption and medi-ocrity:Leadership and governance in three state owned enter-prises in mainland China[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2003,43(1-2):111-124.
[11]Hung H.Normalized collective corruption in a transitional economy:Small treasuries in large Chinese enterprises[J].Journal of Business Ethics,2008,79(1):69-83.
[12]Levendis J and Waters G.Corporate corruption and chaos:A formal recursive model[J].International Journal of Business and Management Science,2009,2(2):177-192.
[13]Luo Y.An organizational perspective of corruption[J].Manage-ment and Organization Review,2005,1(1):119-154.
[14]Morse A,et al.Are incentive contracts rigged by powerful CEOs?[J].The Journal of Finance,2011,66(5):1779-1821.
[15]Oler D,et al.Governance,CEO power and acquisitions[J].Journal of Finance,2011,8:2012-2045.
[16]Osuji O.Fluidity of regulation-CSR nexus:The multinational corporate corruption example[J].Journal of Business Ethis,2011,103(1):31-57.
[17]Pearce C L,et al.The roles of vertical and shared leadership in the enactment of executive corruption:Implications for re-search and practice[J].The Leadership Quarterly,2008,19(3):353-359.
[18]Rajan R and Wulf J.Are perks purely managerial excess[J].Journal of Financial Economics,2006,79(1):1-33.
[19]Xuan Y.Empire-building or bridge-building?Evidence from new CEOs’internal capital allocation decisions[J].The Re-view of Financial Studies,2009,22(12):4919-4948.
[20]Yermack D.Flights of fancy:Corporate jets,CEO perquisites,and inferior shareholder returns[J].Journal of Financial Econom-ics,2006,80(1):211-242.
[21]Zahra S A,et al.The antecedents and consequences of top management fraud[J].Journal of Management,2005,31(6):803-828.
徐细雄. 企业高管腐败研究前沿探析[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2012, 34(4): 73–80.