外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 05 期, 页码:72 - 79
[1]Aggarwal P,et al.Scarcity messages:A consumer competition perspective[J].Journal of Advertising,2011,40(3):19-30.
[2]Argo J J and Shiv B.Are white lies as innocuous as we think?[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2012,38(6):1093-1102.
[3]Boland W A,et al.The attribute carryover effect:What the“runner-up”option tells us about consumer choice processes[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2012,38(5):872-885.
[4]Borovoi L,et al.The effects of attractive but unattainable alterna-tives on the attractiveness of near and distant future menus[J].Judgment and Decision Making,2010,5(2):102-109.
[5]Che H,et al.Investigating effects of out-of-stock on consumer stockkeeping unit choice[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2012,49(4):502-513.
[6]Conlon C T and Mortimer J H.Demand estimation under in-complete product availability[R].Technical Report,Harvard University,2010.
[7]Dadzie K Q and Winston E.Consumer response to stock-out in the online supply chain[J].International Journal of Physical Distribution&Logistics Management,2007,37(1):19-42.
[8]Diels J L and Wiebach N.Customer reactions in out-of-stock situations:Do promotion-induced phantom positions alleviate the similarity substitution hypothesis?[R].SFB649discus-sion paper,2011.
[9]Frster J,et al.The effect of global versus local processing styles on assimilation versus contrast in social judgment[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2008,94(4):579-599.
[10]Ge X,et al.Influence of soldout products on consumer choice[J].Journal of Retailing,2009,85(3):274-287.
[11]Gierl H and Huettl V.Are scarce products always more at-tractive?The interaction of different types of scarcity signals with products’suitability for conspicuous consumption[J].In-ternational Journal of Research in Marketing,2010,27(3):225-235.
[12]Godfrey A,et al.Enough is enough!The fine line in execu-ting multichannel relational communication[J].Journal of Marketing,2011,75(4):94-109.
[13]Goldfarb A.The medium-term effects of unavailability[J].Quan-titative Marketing and Economics,2006,4(2):143-171.
[14]Janakiraman N,et al.The psychology of decisions to abandon waits for service[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2011,48(6):970-984.
[15]Jung J M and Kellaris J J.Cross-national differences in proneness to scarcity effects:The moderating roles of famili-arity,uncertainty avoidance,and need for cognitive closure[J].Psychology&Marketing,2004,21(9):739-753.
[16]Kalyanam V,et al.Deconstructing each item’s category con-tribution[J].Marketing Science,2007,26(3):327-341.
[17]Kim M and Lennon S J.Consumer response to online apparel stockouts[J].Psychology&Marketing,2011,28(2):115-144.
[18]Li D,et al.Calling back consumers who missed a purchase:Making use of regret[J].International Journal of Consumer Research,2012,1(1):28-46.
[19]Liberman N,et al.Construal level theory and consumer be-havior[J].Journal of Consumer Psychology,2007,17(2):113-117.
[20]Morimoto M and Chang S.Consumers’attitudes toward unsolic-ited commercial e-mail and postal direct mail marketing methods:Intrusiveness,perceived loss of control,and irritation[J].Journal of Interactive Advertising,2006,7(1):8-20.
[21]Seemann E A,et al.The type of threat matters:Differences in similar magnitude threats elicit differing magnitudes of psy-chological reactance[J].North American Journal of Psycho-logy,2008,10(3):583-594.
[22]Silvia P J.Reactance and the dynamics of disagreement:Mul-tiple paths from threatened freedom to resistance to persua-sion[J].European Journal of Social Psychology,2006a,36(5):673-685.
[23]Silvia P J.A skeptical look at dispositional reactance[J].Per-sonality and Individual Differences,2006b,40(6):1291-1297.
[24]Sloot L M,et al.The impact of brand equity and the hedonic level of products on consumer stock-out reactions[J].Journal of Retailing,2005,81(1):15-34.
[25]Stiller M.Is less more?The influence of scarcity strategies on variety seeking[D].Doctoral Dissertation,Maastricht Uni-versity,2011.
[26]Su X and Zhang F.On the value of commitment and availabi-lity guarantees when selling to strategic consumers[J].Ma-nagement Science,2009,55(5):713-726.
[27]Woratschek H,et al.“Sorry,we are fully booked!”An experi-mental study of preference formation through unavailable services[J].Australasian Marketing Journal,2009,17(1):27-35.
[28]Wu W Y,et al.The effects of product scarcity and consu-mers’need for uniqueness on purchase intention[J].Interna-tional Journal of Consumer Studies,2012,36(3):263-274.
[29]Yeo J and Park J.Effects of a scarcity message on product judgments:Role of cognitive load and mediating process[J].Advances in Consumer Research,2009,36:718-719.
[30]Zinn W and Liu P C.A comparison of actual and intended consumer behavior in response to retail stockouts[J].Journal of Business Logistics,2008,29(2):141-159.
[2]Argo J J and Shiv B.Are white lies as innocuous as we think?[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2012,38(6):1093-1102.
[3]Boland W A,et al.The attribute carryover effect:What the“runner-up”option tells us about consumer choice processes[J].Journal of Consumer Research,2012,38(5):872-885.
[4]Borovoi L,et al.The effects of attractive but unattainable alterna-tives on the attractiveness of near and distant future menus[J].Judgment and Decision Making,2010,5(2):102-109.
[5]Che H,et al.Investigating effects of out-of-stock on consumer stockkeeping unit choice[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2012,49(4):502-513.
[6]Conlon C T and Mortimer J H.Demand estimation under in-complete product availability[R].Technical Report,Harvard University,2010.
[7]Dadzie K Q and Winston E.Consumer response to stock-out in the online supply chain[J].International Journal of Physical Distribution&Logistics Management,2007,37(1):19-42.
[8]Diels J L and Wiebach N.Customer reactions in out-of-stock situations:Do promotion-induced phantom positions alleviate the similarity substitution hypothesis?[R].SFB649discus-sion paper,2011.
[9]Frster J,et al.The effect of global versus local processing styles on assimilation versus contrast in social judgment[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2008,94(4):579-599.
[10]Ge X,et al.Influence of soldout products on consumer choice[J].Journal of Retailing,2009,85(3):274-287.
[11]Gierl H and Huettl V.Are scarce products always more at-tractive?The interaction of different types of scarcity signals with products’suitability for conspicuous consumption[J].In-ternational Journal of Research in Marketing,2010,27(3):225-235.
[12]Godfrey A,et al.Enough is enough!The fine line in execu-ting multichannel relational communication[J].Journal of Marketing,2011,75(4):94-109.
[13]Goldfarb A.The medium-term effects of unavailability[J].Quan-titative Marketing and Economics,2006,4(2):143-171.
[14]Janakiraman N,et al.The psychology of decisions to abandon waits for service[J].Journal of Marketing Research,2011,48(6):970-984.
[15]Jung J M and Kellaris J J.Cross-national differences in proneness to scarcity effects:The moderating roles of famili-arity,uncertainty avoidance,and need for cognitive closure[J].Psychology&Marketing,2004,21(9):739-753.
[16]Kalyanam V,et al.Deconstructing each item’s category con-tribution[J].Marketing Science,2007,26(3):327-341.
[17]Kim M and Lennon S J.Consumer response to online apparel stockouts[J].Psychology&Marketing,2011,28(2):115-144.
[18]Li D,et al.Calling back consumers who missed a purchase:Making use of regret[J].International Journal of Consumer Research,2012,1(1):28-46.
[19]Liberman N,et al.Construal level theory and consumer be-havior[J].Journal of Consumer Psychology,2007,17(2):113-117.
[20]Morimoto M and Chang S.Consumers’attitudes toward unsolic-ited commercial e-mail and postal direct mail marketing methods:Intrusiveness,perceived loss of control,and irritation[J].Journal of Interactive Advertising,2006,7(1):8-20.
[21]Seemann E A,et al.The type of threat matters:Differences in similar magnitude threats elicit differing magnitudes of psy-chological reactance[J].North American Journal of Psycho-logy,2008,10(3):583-594.
[22]Silvia P J.Reactance and the dynamics of disagreement:Mul-tiple paths from threatened freedom to resistance to persua-sion[J].European Journal of Social Psychology,2006a,36(5):673-685.
[23]Silvia P J.A skeptical look at dispositional reactance[J].Per-sonality and Individual Differences,2006b,40(6):1291-1297.
[24]Sloot L M,et al.The impact of brand equity and the hedonic level of products on consumer stock-out reactions[J].Journal of Retailing,2005,81(1):15-34.
[25]Stiller M.Is less more?The influence of scarcity strategies on variety seeking[D].Doctoral Dissertation,Maastricht Uni-versity,2011.
[26]Su X and Zhang F.On the value of commitment and availabi-lity guarantees when selling to strategic consumers[J].Ma-nagement Science,2009,55(5):713-726.
[27]Woratschek H,et al.“Sorry,we are fully booked!”An experi-mental study of preference formation through unavailable services[J].Australasian Marketing Journal,2009,17(1):27-35.
[28]Wu W Y,et al.The effects of product scarcity and consu-mers’need for uniqueness on purchase intention[J].Interna-tional Journal of Consumer Studies,2012,36(3):263-274.
[29]Yeo J and Park J.Effects of a scarcity message on product judgments:Role of cognitive load and mediating process[J].Advances in Consumer Research,2009,36:718-719.
[30]Zinn W and Liu P C.A comparison of actual and intended consumer behavior in response to retail stockouts[J].Journal of Business Logistics,2008,29(2):141-159.
李研, 李东进. 购物情境中的产品虚位现象研究述评[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(5): 72–79.