财经研究 2011 年 第 37 卷第 03 期, 页码:61 - 71
[4]Cao K,R Johnson.Impacts of mandatory meat hygiene regulations on the New Zealandmeat trade[J].Australasian Agribusiness Review,2006,14:Paper 3.
[5]Chen C,J Yang,C Findlay.Measuring the effect of food safety standards on China's ag-ricultural exports[J].Review of World Economics,2008,144(1):83-106.
[6]Moenius J.Information versus product adaptation:The role of standards in trade[R].Kellogg School of Management Working Paper,Northwestern University,2004.
[7]Moenius J.The good,the bad and the ambiguous:Standards and trade in agriculturalproducts[R].Working paper,University of Redland,2006.
[8]Thilmany D,C Barrett.Regulatory barriers in an integrating world food market[J].Re-view of Agricultural Economics,1997,19(1):91-107.
[9]Wilson J S,T Otsuki.To spray or not to spray:Pesticides,banana exports and foodsafety[J].Food Policy,2004a,29:131-145.
[10]Wilson J S,T Otsuki.Global trade and food safety:Winner and losers in a non-har-monized world[J].Journal of Economic Integration,2004b,18(2):266-287.
[11]Wilson J S,T Otsuki,B Majumdsar.Balancing food safety and risk:Do drug residuelimits affect international trade?[J].Journal of International Trade and Development,2003,12(4):377-402.
①根据世界银行2008年人均GNP的分类标准,澳大利亚、加拿大、欧盟、以色列、日本、韩国和美国属于高收入国家(11 906美元及以上),巴西、哥伦比亚、墨西哥和俄罗斯属于中高收入国家(3 856-11 905美元),埃及、印尼和泰国属于中低收入国家(976-3 855美元)。
[4]Cao K,R Johnson.Impacts of mandatory meat hygiene regulations on the New Zealandmeat trade[J].Australasian Agribusiness Review,2006,14:Paper 3.
[5]Chen C,J Yang,C Findlay.Measuring the effect of food safety standards on China's ag-ricultural exports[J].Review of World Economics,2008,144(1):83-106.
[6]Moenius J.Information versus product adaptation:The role of standards in trade[R].Kellogg School of Management Working Paper,Northwestern University,2004.
[7]Moenius J.The good,the bad and the ambiguous:Standards and trade in agriculturalproducts[R].Working paper,University of Redland,2006.
[8]Thilmany D,C Barrett.Regulatory barriers in an integrating world food market[J].Re-view of Agricultural Economics,1997,19(1):91-107.
[9]Wilson J S,T Otsuki.To spray or not to spray:Pesticides,banana exports and foodsafety[J].Food Policy,2004a,29:131-145.
[10]Wilson J S,T Otsuki.Global trade and food safety:Winner and losers in a non-har-monized world[J].Journal of Economic Integration,2004b,18(2):266-287.
[11]Wilson J S,T Otsuki,B Majumdsar.Balancing food safety and risk:Do drug residuelimits affect international trade?[J].Journal of International Trade and Development,2003,12(4):377-402.
①根据世界银行2008年人均GNP的分类标准,澳大利亚、加拿大、欧盟、以色列、日本、韩国和美国属于高收入国家(11 906美元及以上),巴西、哥伦比亚、墨西哥和俄罗斯属于中高收入国家(3 856-11 905美元),埃及、印尼和泰国属于中低收入国家(976-3 855美元)。
鲍晓华. 食品安全标准促进还是抑制了我国谷物出口贸易?——基于重力模型修正贸易零值的实证研究[J]. 财经研究, 2011, 37(3): 61–71.