财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 12 期, 页码:97 - 109
[7]Calvo G A.Staggered prices in a utility-maximizing framework[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1983,12(3):383-398.
[8]Christiano L J,Trabandt M,Walentin K.DSGE models for monetary policy analysis[A].Friedman B,Woodfood M.,Handbook of monetary economics[C].Netherland:El-siver,2010.
[9]GalíJ.Monetary policy,inflation and the business cycle:An introduction to the newKeynesian framework[M].Princeton:Princeton University Press,2008.
[10]GalíJ.Unemployment fluctuations and stabilization policies:A new Keynesian per-spective[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2011.
[11]GalíJ,Smets F,Wouters R.Unemployment in an estimated new Keynesian model[A]...Acemoglu,Daron,Michael,Woodford eds.NBER Macroeconomics Annual[C].Cam-bridge:The MIT Press,2011.
[12]Sala L,Soderstrom U,Trigari A.Monetary policy under uncertainty in an estimated modelwith labor market frictions[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2008,55(5):983-1006.
[13]Blanchard O,GalíJ.Labor markets and monetary policy:A new Keynesian model withunemployment[J].American Economic Journal:Macroeconomics,2010,2(2):1-30.
[14]Smets F,Christoffel K,Coenen G,et al.DSGE models and their use at the ECB[J].SE-RIES,2010,1(1):51-65.
[15]Smets F,Wouters R.Shocks and frictions in US business cycle:A Bayesian DSGE ap-proach[J].American Economic Review,2007,97(3):586-606.
[16]Chari V V,Kehoe P J,McGrattan E R.New Keynesian models:Not yet useful for poli-cy analysis[J].American Economic Journal:Macroeconomics,2009,1(1):242-266.
[7]Calvo G A.Staggered prices in a utility-maximizing framework[J].Journal of Monetary Eco-nomics,1983,12(3):383-398.
[8]Christiano L J,Trabandt M,Walentin K.DSGE models for monetary policy analysis[A].Friedman B,Woodfood M.,Handbook of monetary economics[C].Netherland:El-siver,2010.
[9]GalíJ.Monetary policy,inflation and the business cycle:An introduction to the newKeynesian framework[M].Princeton:Princeton University Press,2008.
[10]GalíJ.Unemployment fluctuations and stabilization policies:A new Keynesian per-spective[M].Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2011.
[11]GalíJ,Smets F,Wouters R.Unemployment in an estimated new Keynesian model[A]...Acemoglu,Daron,Michael,Woodford eds.NBER Macroeconomics Annual[C].Cam-bridge:The MIT Press,2011.
[12]Sala L,Soderstrom U,Trigari A.Monetary policy under uncertainty in an estimated modelwith labor market frictions[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,2008,55(5):983-1006.
[13]Blanchard O,GalíJ.Labor markets and monetary policy:A new Keynesian model withunemployment[J].American Economic Journal:Macroeconomics,2010,2(2):1-30.
[14]Smets F,Christoffel K,Coenen G,et al.DSGE models and their use at the ECB[J].SE-RIES,2010,1(1):51-65.
[15]Smets F,Wouters R.Shocks and frictions in US business cycle:A Bayesian DSGE ap-proach[J].American Economic Review,2007,97(3):586-606.
[16]Chari V V,Kehoe P J,McGrattan E R.New Keynesian models:Not yet useful for poli-cy analysis[J].American Economic Journal:Macroeconomics,2009,1(1):242-266.
陈利锋. 新凯恩斯主义视域下中国失业的持续性——理论研究与数值模拟分析[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(12): 97–109.