财经研究 2012 年 第 38 卷第 01 期, 页码:62 - 72
[7]Allen F,Bartiloro L,Kowalewski O.Does economic structure determine financial struc-ture[R].Working Paper,2006.
[8]Demirg-Kunt A,Levine R.Bank-based and market-based financial systems:Cross-coun-try comparisons[R].World Bank Economic Review,2000.
[9]Dermiguc-Kunt A,Karacaovali B,Laeven L.Deposit insurance around the world:A comprehensive database[R].Working Paper,The World Bank,2005.
[10]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Legal determinants of external finance[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52(3):1131-1150.
[11]Lederman L,Loayza N,Menendez A M.Violent crime:Does social capital matter?[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change,2002,50(3):509-539.
[12]Thakor A V.The design of finance systems:An overview[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1996,20:917-948.
[13]Peroti E,von Thadden E.The political economy of corporate control and labor rents[J].Journal of Political Economy,2006,114:145-174.
[14]Rajan R,Zingales L.The great reversals:The politics of financial development in the 20th century[R].Working Paper,2000.
[7]Allen F,Bartiloro L,Kowalewski O.Does economic structure determine financial struc-ture[R].Working Paper,2006.
[8]Demirg-Kunt A,Levine R.Bank-based and market-based financial systems:Cross-coun-try comparisons[R].World Bank Economic Review,2000.
[9]Dermiguc-Kunt A,Karacaovali B,Laeven L.Deposit insurance around the world:A comprehensive database[R].Working Paper,The World Bank,2005.
[10]La Porta R,Lopez-de-Silanes F,Shleifer A,Vishny R.Legal determinants of external finance[J].Journal of Finance,1997,52(3):1131-1150.
[11]Lederman L,Loayza N,Menendez A M.Violent crime:Does social capital matter?[J].Economic Development and Cultural Change,2002,50(3):509-539.
[12]Thakor A V.The design of finance systems:An overview[J].Journal of Banking and Finance,1996,20:917-948.
[13]Peroti E,von Thadden E.The political economy of corporate control and labor rents[J].Journal of Political Economy,2006,114:145-174.
[14]Rajan R,Zingales L.The great reversals:The politics of financial development in the 20th century[R].Working Paper,2000.
马勇. 究竟是什么决定了一国的金融体系结构[J]. 财经研究, 2012, 38(1): 62–72.