财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 09 期, 页码:96 - 109
[8]Afonso A,Fernandes S.Assessing and explaining the relative efficiency of local govern-ment[J].Journal of Socio-Economics,2008,37(5):1946-1979.
[9]Andersen P,Petersen N C A.Procedure for ranking efficient units in data envelopment analysis[J].Management Science,1993,39(10):1261-1264.
[10]Balaguer-Coll M T,Prior D,Tortosa-Ausina E.On the determinants of local govern-ment performance:A two-stage nonparametric approach[J].European Economic Re-view,2007,51(2):425-452.
[11]Bosch N,Pedraja F,Suarez-Pandiello J.Measuring the efficiency of Spanish municipal refuse collection services[J].Local Government Studies,2000,26(3):71-90.
[12]Bouckaert G.Productivity analysis in the public sector:The case of the fire service[J].International Review of Administrative Sciences,1992,58(2):175-200.
[13]Burgat P,Jeanrenaud C.Technical efficiency and institutional variables[J].Swiss Jour-nal of Economics and Statistics,1994,130(4):709-717.
[14]De Borger B,Kerstens K.Cost efficiency of Belgian local governments:A comparative analysis of FDH,DEA,and econometric approaches[J].Regional Science and Urban E-conomics,1996,26(2):145-170.
[15]Fre R,Grosskopf S,Norris M,et al.Productivity growth,technical progress,and efficiency change in industrialized countries[J].The American Economic Review,1994,84(1):66-83.
[16]Fre R,Grosskopf S,Norris M.Productivity growth,technical progress,and efficien-cy change in industrialized countries:Reply[J].American Economic Review,1997,87(5):1040-1044.
[17]Kalseth J,Rattso J.Spending and overspending in local government administration:A minimum requirement approach applied to Norway[J].European Journal of Political Economy,1995,11(2):239-251.
[18]Ray S C.Resource-use efficiency in public schools:A study of connecticut data[J].Management Science,1991,37(12):1620-1628.
[19]Simar L,Wilson P W.Estimation and inference in two-stage,semi-parametric models of production processes[J].Journal of Econometrics,2007,136(1):31-64.
[20]Tulkens H.On FDH efficiency analysis:Some methodological issues and applications to retail banking,courts,and urban transit[J].Journal of Productivity Analysis,1993,4(1-2):183-210.
[8]Afonso A,Fernandes S.Assessing and explaining the relative efficiency of local govern-ment[J].Journal of Socio-Economics,2008,37(5):1946-1979.
[9]Andersen P,Petersen N C A.Procedure for ranking efficient units in data envelopment analysis[J].Management Science,1993,39(10):1261-1264.
[10]Balaguer-Coll M T,Prior D,Tortosa-Ausina E.On the determinants of local govern-ment performance:A two-stage nonparametric approach[J].European Economic Re-view,2007,51(2):425-452.
[11]Bosch N,Pedraja F,Suarez-Pandiello J.Measuring the efficiency of Spanish municipal refuse collection services[J].Local Government Studies,2000,26(3):71-90.
[12]Bouckaert G.Productivity analysis in the public sector:The case of the fire service[J].International Review of Administrative Sciences,1992,58(2):175-200.
[13]Burgat P,Jeanrenaud C.Technical efficiency and institutional variables[J].Swiss Jour-nal of Economics and Statistics,1994,130(4):709-717.
[14]De Borger B,Kerstens K.Cost efficiency of Belgian local governments:A comparative analysis of FDH,DEA,and econometric approaches[J].Regional Science and Urban E-conomics,1996,26(2):145-170.
[15]Fre R,Grosskopf S,Norris M,et al.Productivity growth,technical progress,and efficiency change in industrialized countries[J].The American Economic Review,1994,84(1):66-83.
[16]Fre R,Grosskopf S,Norris M.Productivity growth,technical progress,and efficien-cy change in industrialized countries:Reply[J].American Economic Review,1997,87(5):1040-1044.
[17]Kalseth J,Rattso J.Spending and overspending in local government administration:A minimum requirement approach applied to Norway[J].European Journal of Political Economy,1995,11(2):239-251.
[18]Ray S C.Resource-use efficiency in public schools:A study of connecticut data[J].Management Science,1991,37(12):1620-1628.
[19]Simar L,Wilson P W.Estimation and inference in two-stage,semi-parametric models of production processes[J].Journal of Econometrics,2007,136(1):31-64.
[20]Tulkens H.On FDH efficiency analysis:Some methodological issues and applications to retail banking,courts,and urban transit[J].Journal of Productivity Analysis,1993,4(1-2):183-210.
林勇, 连洪泉. 中国各省市城市维护服务效率研究[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(9): 96–109.