财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 08 期, 页码:18 - 28
[4]Andriamihaja N,Vecchi G.An evaluation of the welfare impact of higher energy prices in Madagascar[R].Africa Region Working Paper Series No.106,2007.
[5]Clements B,Jung H,Gupta S.Real and distributive effects of petroleum price libera-lization:The case of Indonesia[J].Developing Economies,2007,45(2):220-237.
[6]Gangopadhyay S,Ramaswami B,Wadhwa W.Reducing subsidies on household fuels in India:How will it affect the poor[J].Energy Policy,2005,33(18):2326-2336.
[7]IEA.World energy outlook[M].Paris:International Energy Agency,2008.
[8]IEA.World energy outlook[M].Paris:International Energy Agency,2010.
[9]Jensen J,Tarr D.Trade,foreign exchange,and energy policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran:Reform agenda,economic implications,and impact on the poor[R].Policy Re-search Working Paper No.2768The World Bank,2002.
[10]Kebede B.Energy subsidies and costs in urban Ethiopia:The cases of kerosene and e-lectricity[J].Renewable Energy,2006,31(13):2140-2151.
[11]Kpodar K.Distributional effects of oil price changes on household expenditures:Evi-dence from Mali[R].IMF Working Paper No.06/91,2006.
[12]Lin B Q,Jiang Z J.Estimates of energy subsidies in China and impact of energy subsi-dy reform[J].Energy Economics,2011,33(2):273-283.
[4]Andriamihaja N,Vecchi G.An evaluation of the welfare impact of higher energy prices in Madagascar[R].Africa Region Working Paper Series No.106,2007.
[5]Clements B,Jung H,Gupta S.Real and distributive effects of petroleum price libera-lization:The case of Indonesia[J].Developing Economies,2007,45(2):220-237.
[6]Gangopadhyay S,Ramaswami B,Wadhwa W.Reducing subsidies on household fuels in India:How will it affect the poor[J].Energy Policy,2005,33(18):2326-2336.
[7]IEA.World energy outlook[M].Paris:International Energy Agency,2008.
[8]IEA.World energy outlook[M].Paris:International Energy Agency,2010.
[9]Jensen J,Tarr D.Trade,foreign exchange,and energy policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran:Reform agenda,economic implications,and impact on the poor[R].Policy Re-search Working Paper No.2768The World Bank,2002.
[10]Kebede B.Energy subsidies and costs in urban Ethiopia:The cases of kerosene and e-lectricity[J].Renewable Energy,2006,31(13):2140-2151.
[11]Kpodar K.Distributional effects of oil price changes on household expenditures:Evi-dence from Mali[R].IMF Working Paper No.06/91,2006.
[12]Lin B Q,Jiang Z J.Estimates of energy subsidies in China and impact of energy subsi-dy reform[J].Energy Economics,2011,33(2):273-283.
蒋竺均, 邵帅. 取消化石能源补贴对我国居民收入分配的影响——基于投入产出价格模型的模拟分析[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(8): 18–28.