财经研究 2013 年 第 39 卷第 06 期, 页码:29 - 39
[2]Bernard A B,Redding S J,Schott P K.Multiproduct firms and product switching[J].A-merican Economic Review,2010,100(1):70-97.
[3]Bernard A B.,Redding S J,Schott P K.Multiproduct firms and trade liberalization[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2011,126(3):1271-1318.
[4]Bernard A B,Jensen J B,Redding S J,Schott F K.The empirics of firm heterogeneity and international trade[J].Annual Review of Economics,2012,(4):283-313.
[5]Bustos P.Trade liberalization,exports and technology upgrading:Evidence on the impact of MERCOSUR on Argentinian firms[J].American Economic Review,2011,101(1):304-340.
[6]Dai M,Maitra M,Yu M.Unexceptional exporter performance in China?Role of process-ing trade[R].SSRN Working Paper,2011.
[7]Dixit A,Stiglitz J.Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity[J].Ameri-can Economic Review,1977,67(3):297-308.
[8]Eckel C,Neary J P.Multi-product firms and flexible manufacturing in the global econo-my[J].Review of Economic Studies,2010,77(1):188-217.
[9]Helpman E,Melitz M,Yeaple S.Export versus FDI with heterogeneous firms[J].Amer-ican Economic Review,2004,94(1):300-316.
[10]Lu D.Exceptional exporter performance?Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms[R].University of Chicago Working Paper,2010.
[11]Lu J,Lu Y,Tao Z.Exporting behavior of foreign affiliates:Theory and evidence[J].Journal of International Economics,2010,81:197-205.
[12]Ma A,Assche V A.The role of trade costs in global production networks:Evidence from China’s processing regime[R].World Bank Working Paper No.5490,2010.
[13]Manova K,Yu Z.Firms along the value-added Chain:Processing trade in China[R].mimeo,2013.
[14]Mayer T,Melitz M,Ottaviano G.Market size,competition and the product mix of ex-porters[R].mimeo,2011.
[15]Melitz M J.The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71(6):1695-1725.
[16]Oberhofer H,Pfaffermayr M.FDI versus exports:Multiple host countries and emipiri-cal evidence[J].The World Economy,2012,35(3):316-330.
[17]Qiu L,Zhou W.Multiproduct firms and scope adjustment in globalization[J].Journal of International Economics,2013,forthcoming.
[2]Bernard A B,Redding S J,Schott P K.Multiproduct firms and product switching[J].A-merican Economic Review,2010,100(1):70-97.
[3]Bernard A B.,Redding S J,Schott P K.Multiproduct firms and trade liberalization[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2011,126(3):1271-1318.
[4]Bernard A B,Jensen J B,Redding S J,Schott F K.The empirics of firm heterogeneity and international trade[J].Annual Review of Economics,2012,(4):283-313.
[5]Bustos P.Trade liberalization,exports and technology upgrading:Evidence on the impact of MERCOSUR on Argentinian firms[J].American Economic Review,2011,101(1):304-340.
[6]Dai M,Maitra M,Yu M.Unexceptional exporter performance in China?Role of process-ing trade[R].SSRN Working Paper,2011.
[7]Dixit A,Stiglitz J.Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity[J].Ameri-can Economic Review,1977,67(3):297-308.
[8]Eckel C,Neary J P.Multi-product firms and flexible manufacturing in the global econo-my[J].Review of Economic Studies,2010,77(1):188-217.
[9]Helpman E,Melitz M,Yeaple S.Export versus FDI with heterogeneous firms[J].Amer-ican Economic Review,2004,94(1):300-316.
[10]Lu D.Exceptional exporter performance?Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms[R].University of Chicago Working Paper,2010.
[11]Lu J,Lu Y,Tao Z.Exporting behavior of foreign affiliates:Theory and evidence[J].Journal of International Economics,2010,81:197-205.
[12]Ma A,Assche V A.The role of trade costs in global production networks:Evidence from China’s processing regime[R].World Bank Working Paper No.5490,2010.
[13]Manova K,Yu Z.Firms along the value-added Chain:Processing trade in China[R].mimeo,2013.
[14]Mayer T,Melitz M,Ottaviano G.Market size,competition and the product mix of ex-porters[R].mimeo,2011.
[15]Melitz M J.The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity[J].Econometrica,2003,71(6):1695-1725.
[16]Oberhofer H,Pfaffermayr M.FDI versus exports:Multiple host countries and emipiri-cal evidence[J].The World Economy,2012,35(3):316-330.
[17]Qiu L,Zhou W.Multiproduct firms and scope adjustment in globalization[J].Journal of International Economics,2013,forthcoming.
刘晴, 史青, 徐蕾. 混合贸易企业形成机制及选择行为分析——基于异质性企业贸易理论的视角[J]. 财经研究, 2013, 39(6): 29–39.