财经研究 2015 年 第 41 卷第 12 期, 页码:107 - 117
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[12] Hsieh C T,Klenow P.Misallocation and manufacturing TFP in China and India[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2009,124(4):1403-1448.
[13] Huang Y, Wang X. Does financial repression inhibit or facilitate economic growth?A case study of Chinese reform experience[J].Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,2011,73(6):833-854.
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[2] 李新.普京时期的俄罗斯经济转型:从制度移植到制度创新[J].俄罗斯研究,2007,(6):22-28.
[3] 林毅夫.中国的奇迹:发展战略与经济改革[M].上海:上海人民出版社,2002.
[4] 卢峰,姚洋.金融压抑下的法治、金融发展和经济增长[J].中国社会科学,2004,(1):42-55.
[5] 盛仕斌,徐海.要素价格扭曲的就业效应研究[J].经济研究,1999,(5):68-74.
[6] 王永钦. 市场、政府与适宜的制度: 对经济转型和制度变革的理论反思[J].学习与探索,2010,(5):145-147.
[7] 朱喜,史清华,盖庆恩.要素配置扭曲与农业全要素生产率[J].经济研究,2011,(5):86-98.
[8] Acemoglu D,Aghion P,Zilibotti F.Distance to frontier,selection,and economic growth[J].Journal of the European Economic Association,2006,4(1):37-74.
[9] Behrman J R.Sectoral elasticities of substitution between capital labor in a developing economy:Times series analysis in the case of postwar Chile[J].Econometrist,1972,40(2):311-326.
[10] Gerschenkron A. Economic backwardness in historical perspective[R].Working Paper,Harvard University Press,1962.
[11] Hopper W D.Allocation efficiency in a traditional Indian agriculture[J].American Journal of Agricultural Economics,1965,47(3):611-624.
[12] Hsieh C T,Klenow P.Misallocation and manufacturing TFP in China and India[J].Quarterly Journal of Economics,2009,124(4):1403-1448.
[13] Huang Y, Wang X. Does financial repression inhibit or facilitate economic growth?A case study of Chinese reform experience[J].Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,2011,73(6):833-854.
[14] Kornai J.The Hungarian reform process: visions,hopes,and reality[J].Journal of Economic Literature,1986,24(4):1687-1737.
[15] McKinnon R. Financial growth and macroeconomic stability in China,1978-1992: Implications for Russia and other transitional economies[J].Journal of Comparative Economics, 1994, 18(3): 438-469.
[16] Sahota G S.Efficiency of resource allocation in Indian agriculture[J].American Journal of Agricultural Economics,1968,50(3):584-605.
[17] Temple J R W.Dual economy models:A primer for growth economists[J].The Manchester School,2005,73(4):435-478.
[18] Tobin J.Inflation and unemployment[J].American Economic Review,1972,62 (1-2):1-18.
王强, 王健, 车维汉. 适宜制度对要素配置效率的影响——基于跨国数据的实证分析[J]. 财经研究, 2015, 41(12): 107–117.